Part 2

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     (Im walking past our old school, it took me to a time were I was about 14,) me and Donavan had grown close, close as the term friends could let anyone be, but we were sitting on the bus again, Donavan was telling me how his mom was making him get a girlfriend, he didn't like that idea, but I had met his mom a few times, she was tall skinny and very strict, I wouldn't be surprised if she smacked Donavan a few times, (this thought had angered me) "it's not that bad, I only have to deal with a girl for a month and each time I tell them this, people take it well or not, I don't care, I'm not going to be forced into something" I took time to ponder this "yeah that seems fair" I said finally, my mom didn't force me into something if I didn't want to do, that's a main difference between our parents.

     We finally got to school, and we headed to our classes, we had almost the same schedule, which I was grateful for I really needed to talk but I didn't like anyone else there. We walked into our first and noticed a short old lady who had a large scowl on her face, I turned to Donavan, "heh she's going to be pleasant" we took our seats and eventually everyone was in the room, when we all were seated the sub opened her mouth, "I am miss Megee and I will NOT tolerate any misbehaving in this class, the teacher has left me specific instructions on how to deal with you brats!" I was stifling a giggle, she had a funny name but I knew better then to talk out in class, I looked over to see Donavan in the same situation as me. Miss Megee looked around the classroom handing out paper and pencils, it was of course filler, the teacher always gives us that whenever she left for a day.

     In the middle of class I felt pressure on my neck, as if someone were staring at it, I took a glance back to see three kids, I knew them they did not like me in the slightest, it wouldn't be surprised if they were plotting to jump me in the hall or something like that, I nervously turn back forward, I could hear them whispering something to each other, not loud I could only make out a few words "later... Yeah... Bus... Backpack" that's when Donavan tapped my shoulder, "hey it's time to go" he said, his green eyes shining down at me, "sorry I guess I lost track of time" I said pathetically, we headed to each class, I looked over my shoulder paranoid, I had a sneaking suspicion that they were talking about me (I was right to suspect this, because they were)

     Once we were done with school I me and Donavan headed to the bus, but Donavan realized he forgot something and rushed back to the school "SAVE MY SEAT" he called back "SURE" I yelled, I was still a bit worried about the "gang" but I had relaxed a bit, which was probably a bad idea, because next thing I knew I was pinned to the side of the yellow bus, the three looking at me, eyes sparkling with hate, what had I done to them? "Alright, this can go two ways, you give us your backpack quietly and no one get hurt" he said smiling a crooked grin, his comrades giggling behind him. "Or" he said pulling out a small pocket knife, "someone will" I was terrified, but I wasn't going to give up my backpack, it had to many things I didn't want to loose.

     "No" I said quietly, the kid looked surprised, as if drawing the knife was going to give him an advantage. "What'd you say to me?" His voice low. I looked up at him "NO" I said more firmly, my nose crinkled so that it looked like I was snarling, the kid didn't back down, put the knife against my cheek, "well I guess you went with the hurt opinion" he said digging into my flesh with the knife, leaving a long cut in my cheek, I let out a stifled scream, I was worried on how my mother would react to it. I lifted my foot and kicked him in the area, he staggered back groaning in pain. The other two just ran off, probably so they wouldn't get in trouble, the main one was recovering, he looked at me, malice laced his eyes "your going to pay for that!" He said lunging at me pinning me back to the bus. He hit me several times in the face before I could lay a hit.

     After a few minutes of fighting I had multiple cuts from his knife, and many bruises starting to form, He was going to hit me again but just then (thank god) Donavan showed up, "back off!" He growled, the kid looked a bit startled, as if he was concerned about two on one, "nah, I think he still needs some learning"  he said turning back to me, I tensed up ready for another blow, but Donavan lunged at the kid knocking him to the ground, the kid issued a few punches one of them causing Donavan to bleed from his mouth, but Donavan beat the shit out of him, he was covered in bruises in blood, and eventually a security guard saw the commotion and came over to break it up. "YOU BEST NOT FUCKING TOUCH HIM AGAIN! OTHERWISE IM NOT GOING TO STOP NEXT TIME!!" Donavan screamed My face heated up, the security officer told us to go talk to the principle, we did and I gave what happened, they believed me be cause the kid who had jumped me had caused trouble in the past, but that didn't stop us from getting suspended and in that time we hung out and played games, I stared noticing how cute Donavan looked, I had never noticed it before, I shook my head to rid my mind of the thoughts, but my mind kept going back, I had to admit to myself I had fallen in love with my best friend.

(Thinking back on this I'm both glad and upset that I had fallen in love with him, it wouldn't be causing me pain if I hadn't but many things wouldn't have happened if I didn't, so I have very mixed feelings.)

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