Part 6

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(oh yes that fateful day, the day that changed everything.)Me and Donavan went over what he was going to say one more time, until he had everything down. It didn't take long to find her, she was tall, skinny, very pale, her eyes were a piercing blue. I had to admit she was pretty, I nodded to Donavan. he took a deep breath, looking at me one more time before he walked over to Becky, once he was there I move just within earshot.

He walked over to her, I could make out the conversation. "Becky we have to talk." he began "I know it hasn't been a month yet, but I don't think I can handle it I'm sorry" I scoffed. Becky had a look of disgust, as if she were looking at a rat. "I don't care, you can't back out yet, I will tell your mother." Donavan stood a bit straighter. "That was the plan, I was actually planning on telling her myself." He sounded smug. "Actually if you would tell her it would save me the trip."

Becky crinkled her nose, her eyes seething with malice. her hands balled up into fists, I was worried she was going to hit him. But her hand relaxed and she smiled. "Whatever did I do? I have done nothing to hurt you." Donavan stiffened, "nothing?" he said quietly, I could barley hear him. Donavan was quivering "NOTHING?!?" his voice rang through the halls. I flinched at it, I hope I never receive that anger. Donavan stepped close till he was only inches from her face, his voice got lower I had to scoot in to hear. "I'll tell you your definition of nothing, feeding me lies, paying attention to me when it's only convenient for you, like around my mother, and staring at me like you won a fucking prize!" He growled, Becky took a few steps back, her blue eyes wide with shock.

     "You can't do this! I'm I'm..." Her voice trailing off, Donavan huffed and walked over to me, he looked at me and what I saw in those eyes wanting, he truly wanted me. He grabbed one of my wrists and pulled me to one of the corners in our school were people go to be "private" I looked at him my face flushing a deep red, I could only guess what was happening, before I could say anything Donavan's lips were on mine, it was a bit awkward at first, mearly because Donavan had never kissed anyone, but it soon got better, his lips syncing with mine. He pulled away, I didn't want to stop but if he had given me that kiss I may get more if I read that right.

     He looked me in the eyes, holding my face in his hands "I knew why you ran off Alex, I'm sorry if I hurt you, I'd understand if you didn't accept my gesture." I just smiled and pulled him in for another kiss.

     (Aw yes, finally something went right)

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