Part 7

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(I kept walking each place I visit bringing back more memories that I don't think I want. But such is the way of the world just as I walked past Donavan's house I remember when we decided to tell our parents.) Me and Donavan were sitting in his room, I was reading with him laying on my stomach, we were happy, but we had yet to tell our parents because we had no idea how they would react. I sighed disrupting the silence, "Doni we should tell our parents." Donavan looked up at me, he looked like he was going to panic, I stroked his hair "it's ok, no matter how they react I will be here. Ok?" He looked back at me, I looked into those eyes I'd learned to love. He sighed "ok, let's do it."

     We headed towards my moms house, nervousness creeping through my entire body. We head into my house, my mother was in the kitchen. I took a deep breath. "Hey mom, we'd like to talk to you about something." She looked at me with a puzzled expression, "alright, what's up?" I looked at Donavan, then back at her "mom, me and Donavan are dating." I looked down, ready for whatever her reaction was. "Well, ok. I don't see why that's a problem, you never did have any interest in girls did you." I looked up to my mothers smiling face, I smiled back. We sat talking for a while, mostly about how long me and Donavan have been together, how we found out we liked each other and that kind of stuff, but the time came for us to go to Donavan's mother.

     We headed over to his house with high spirits. We hoped that she would react similarly, Donavan knocked on the door and his mother answered. "Oh Donavan, Alex nice to see you," she said her voice sweet sounding, "come in, come in" she ushered us into the house, we walked behind her, heading to the living room were we sat down on the couch. I looked around the room seeing many pictures of random thing. "So what brings you hear Alex?" She asked, I looked at her, "well we came here to tell you something" I said nervously, I didn't like the way she was looking at me. "Oh I see, what do you need to talk about?" Donavan took over, "mom, I know you've been wanting me to have a relationship-" Donavan's mother cut him off "oh! You've finally found someone? What her name?" I huffed. Donavan hesitated, "it's not a girl mom, it's Alex." His mother stiffened, and looked at me, I suddenly felt like I was in danger, like she would pounce and attack me, the same feeling I had about the three kids.

     "Oh" she said her nose crinkling, "Alex? Are you sure." She asked Donavan, he nodded. She stood up, her eyes sparkling with anger, I put my hand closer to Donavan's, she didn't seem to notice, "I will not have this, this disgrace in my house! I did not raise you like this." She snarled, "you are going to be with who I chose or you will not be permitted in my home." Donavan stood up, and looked his mother straight in the eye "you can't do that without dads say!" He shot back, but Donavan's mother didn't back down "it doesn't matter what your father says! I will not have some, some thing in my house!" Donavan looked ready to hit her, honestly I would do that to, but I walked forward and grabbed Donavan's hand. He turned his head, his eyes sparkling, they were brimming with tears. I gave his had a squeeze and whispered "I'm here" he gave me a weak smile, and gave me a nod.

     Turning back to his mother, her expression softened, "I'm sorry but that won't change my mind" she said finally, looking at him, she looked about ready to cry herself. Donavan nodded, "I get it." And he dragged me to the door, after a second I just followed him. Once we were outside he broke down, he sobbed and was shaking, I just held him my arms letting him get it all out, he basically just lost his mother. After about ten minutes he calmed down, he looked up at me, his green eyes glazed over, he looked down and just moved closer to me, I held on tighter. After a long while of silence he finally said "can I stay with you?" I looked down into his brown hair, "I'll talk to my mom about it ok?" He nodded into my chest.

     We headed home to speak with my mother, she was in the living room, and looked up as we came in, "how'd it go?" But once she saw Donavan she made the conclusion that it didn't go well at all. She sat him on the couch, and asked if he needed anything, he politely turned everything down. I pulled my mother into the kitchen "mom, he was kicked out" I said, I was extremely angry by this, out of all the people that could have judged him it was his own mother. "I was wondering if he could stay here? He doesn't have anywhere else." My mom put her hand on my cheek, "of course, I find that woman to be a disgrace, she shouldn't judge her son on his sexuality." I hugged her " thank you.

     (Yes this is the reason we fear things, judgement and betrayal. I do wish that we could get over our differences and live together.)

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