Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

            “Miss Darling, you look beautiful as always,” Peter said when he met me at the bottom of the stairs. 

            “Thank you,” I said shyly.

            “Lovely necklace,” he said, moving his hand as if to touch it, but then stopped, remembering that such a gesture would be impolite in London society.

            “Thank you very much Mr. Pan,” I said.

            “Shall we?” he asked, offering me his arm.  I took it, smiling at him.  He smiled back, but it didn’t reach his eyes. 

            “Are you alright?” I asked.

            “Not so loud Wendy,” Peter said in an undertone. 

            I looked at him, worried.  “Peter,” I hissed.  “What’s going on?”

            “One dance, and then the gardens,” Peter said.  “I’ll tell you then.”

            We danced for one song, and then Peter took my hand and led me out to the gardens.  I looked up at him, and he released my hands to rub his face with his hands.

            “Peter!” I exclaimed, worried.  “What on earth is going on?”

            “I have to leave immediately,” he said. 

            “Why?” I asked.

            “You sound upset,” Peter said.  “I thought you’d be pleased.”

            “What?” I said.  “No!  I’d miss you dreadfully.”

            “That’s very kind of you Wendy,” Peter said.  “But if I recall correctly, I remember you said you didn’t want me around because you needed to live your life in the present.”

            “I’ve changed my mind Peter,” I said.  “I’d never be happy in a marriage here.  I long for adventure and excitement!  Take me back with you Peter.  Please.”

            There was a pause as Peter observed me, shocked.  “Well,” he said slowly.  “I certainly did not expect you to say that.”

            “I’ve always been able to surprise you,” I said.

            He grinned.  “That is true,” he responded.  “Wendy, are you sure this is what you want?  You know there isn’t really any coming back.”

            He’s right you know.  Once you go to Neverland and stay there, you won’t age.  You can’t come back to England, because you won’t look any different.  People will suspect something, and Father would be absolutely furious when you return.  And what about John and Michael?  What will they think when you don’t come home for the term holiday?  You’ll never be able to see them again either... I looked at Peter.  “It’s so complicated,” I said. 

            “That’s true,” he said.  “Before you make a decision, let me tell you about my dilemma.”  I gave him my full attention.  “I received word from Tinkerbell today.  She told me that Fonce has gone rogue.  He’s been flying around the island, trying to take the shadows of the Lost Boys.”

            “Can I interrupt?” I said.

            Peter sighed.  “You already have,” he said, and then he squeezed my hand.

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