Interlude Three

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Interlude Three

            John knocked on the door of Miss Primrose’s.  The maid answered the door with a curtsey.  “Back again sir?” she asked.  “May I take your coats?”

            “No, thank you,” John said.  “We’d like to go see Wendy Darling’s room please.”

            “Sorry, sir, I’m only supposed to let the detectives in,” the maid said as she began to close the door.

            “We’re her brothers,” Michael said.  “If you don’t let us in, there will be hell to pay.  And you’ll be paying.”

            “Are you threatening me sir?” the maid asked.

            Michael smiled serenely.  “I would never assume to do that,” he said.  “I’m just merely warning you about the consequences of the situation here.”

            The maid looked around and then stepped back, letting the brothers in.  “I didn’t let you in,” she said.

            “Of course not,” John said, taking a few coins out of his pocket and giving them to the maid.  She gave a quick bob.

            “Miss Darling’s room is up the staircase, down the left hallway, last door on the right,” she said, before scurrying off out of sight.

            John and Michael exchanged a glance before heading up the staircase together in silence.  They came to the dorm room and knocked on the door.

            “Will you wait a minute?” a girl said, sounding very aggravated.  John rolled his eyes and Michael made a face at the door.  A few moments later, the door was opened.  “What on earth do you want know?” a severe looking girl asked.

            “We need to see Wendy Darling’s things,” John said.

            The girl stepped away from the door.  “You would think after the number of detectives that came through here, something would have been found already,” she whined.  “You people keep interrupting our holiday.”       

            “Blaire,” said the girl John recognized to be Theodora.  “Will. You. Shut. Up?”

            “Theodora, need I remind you that such language in the presence of gentlemen?” Blaire asked, pushing a lock of black hair behind her ear and putting a superior look on her face.

            John turned to Theodora.  “Can we see her things?”

            “Yes, of course,” she said, leading them to Wendy’s wardrobe.  “Is there anything we can do to help you?”

            “No, thank you,” John said, opening up the door.

            “Just so you know, her trunk has some things in it too,” Theodora said, and she went back to her own bed.

            “Look for that necklace,” Michael said.

            “I know, Michael, I’m not stupid,” John said shortly as he began rummaging through her things.

            After a half an hour, it was apparent that nothing was to be found in her belongings.  “I can’t find it anywhere,” John said.

            “It isn’t here,” Michael sighed disappointed.

            “So what now?” John asked, looking around the room.  All the girls were silent, pretending not to be looking or observing them, but he knew better.

            “We’ve got to go to that other school and talk to that Mr. Pan,” Michael said, lowering his voice.

            “Excuse me,” John said.  “Theodora?”

            The petite girl came over to them.  “Yes?” she asked.

            “Where can we find Mr. Pan?” James asked, hoping she would give him an answer. 

            “Aldgate Ward School, sir,” she said.  “It’s just down the road.  I’ll call for a carriage if you’d like.”

            “No, no, it’s fine,” Michael said, standing up and walking to the door.

            “I hope you find her,” Theodora said to John as he too stood up and started to follow Michael.

            “She was a bitch,” Blaire said.  “Whatever she got, she deserved.”

            “Blaire!” Theodora yelled.

            Michael’s face turned bright red, and John grabbed his coat sleeve.  “Let’s just go, Michael,” he said in a low voice, and he pulled his brother out of the room.

            “How dare she?” Michael asked, as they walked down the hallway, descended the staircase, and left the building.  “How dare that stuck up, nasty woman say anything about Wendy?”

            “Michael,” John said.  “Calm down.”

            They walked down the street until they reached Aldgate Ward School on the corner of the street.  John knocked on the door and waited until a butler opened the door.  “Sirs,” he said with a formal bow.  “How may I be of service to you today?”

            “We’re from Scotland Yard,” John said.  Michael elbowed him, but he was ignored.  “We were wondering if we could possibly speak to Mr. Pan.”

            “Ah, yes,” the butler said.  “I’m afraid that isn’t possible.  You see, he’s on a holiday in Spain I believe.  He isn’t here.”

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