Chapter Thirty Four

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Chapter Thirty Four

            “What were you thinking?” James asked.  “Just picking up and leaving Neverland?”

            “Don’t be ridiculous James, we were gone for about an hour,” I said.  “Are you telling me you couldn’t keep the island under control for that long?”

            “It would have been nice to know where you guys had gone, that’s all,” James said.  “We were scared to death!”

            “Sorry,” Peter said.  James raised an eyebrow.  “No, seriously, I am sorry.  I didn’t mean for you to worry.”  He looked around.  We were standing on the shore of the lake.  “Boys!  I’d like your attention.”

            The boys stopped talking and looked up at Peter.  “Fonce has been defeated,” Peter said.  “Neverland is safe, and everyone managed to escape death and injury.”  This was true, and quite the miracle.  “We now need to return the shadows to their bodies.  Now, I have no idea where Fonce got the majority of these shadows, but we will do our best to help them out as well.  In order to do so, Wendy, Hook and I will need to leave Neverland for a period of time.”

            “What?” Edward asked.  Peter held up a hand.

            “We need to retrieve the pixie dust from the future,” Peter said.  “I trust that you, James and Edward, will be able to run the island in our absence.”           

            “Why can’t we come?” James asked.

            “Too many people would arouse suspicion,” I said.  “It’s best if this is a small operation.”

            “We will repair damages and keep Neverland safe during your trip,” Edward said.  Peter nodded gratefully.

            “Thank you,” he said.  “Now, we have one week to fix things up here before Hook, Wendy and I have to return to London.  So let’s get started!”

            I turned to Edward, who was standing next to me.  “Where are all the shadows?” I asked.

            He pointed behind him.  “We asked them to stay in the clearing.  Now that Fonce is dead, I don’t think they technically have to do anything, but none of them have moved since we brought them there.”

            “Thanks Ed,” I said, and I weaved through the crowd and found Hook.  “Hey,” I said.  “I want you to see them.”

            “Who?” he asked.

            “My brothers,” I said.  “It won’t be the same, but...”

            “But what?”

            “I’d like to be a family, just once, before we leave,” I said.

            Hook put an arm around my shoulder.  “Where are they?” he asked.

            Together we made our way through the crowd before Hook stopped me.  “Wait,” he said.  “What about your shadow?”

            “I completely forgot,” I said with an awkward sort of smile.  “Sorry, I guess I’ll call her back.”  I thought for a moment, and then called out, “Claire!”

            A shadow flew up to me, and took humanoid form in front of me.  Her navy eyes searched mine.  “You called?” she said.

            “Any chance you can, you know, reattach yourself to me?” I asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2014 ⏰

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