Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

            I was in the dining hall, looking Percy straight in the eye.  “Don’t hold back,” I said.

            “I don’t plan to,” Percy said, running at me and lifting his sword.

            I relaxed my muscles and let all of the anxiety that was coursing through my bloodstream free in the form of a highly challenging fight.  Both of us were determined not to lose, which made the fight even more difficult.

            “Yield!” Percy yelled.

            “Yelling at me,” I said, and then stopped talking to gasp for air, “is not going to,” another pause as I inhaled oxygen, “help you.”

            Percy growled and attacked with a new strength.  All the stress I’d been feeling disappeared as I fought for my life.  Percy’s blade sliced my arm and the sting released even more of the pent-up worry.  I laughed, and Percy, between swings, gave me a weird look.  I grinned and doubled my effort to disarm him.


            “Little busy right now!” I managed to yell back to Hook.

            “Need to stop?” Percy gasped out.

            “No, do you?” I said with great difficulty.

            Hook walked into the dining hall.  “Wendy, we need to talk,” he said, seemingly unfazed about the fact that Percy and I were in the middle of an intense fight.

            “Again,” I said, ducking as Percy swung at my head.  I straightened up and kicked Percy square in the chest.  He stumbled backwards before charging again.  “I’m a little busy right now.”

            “Nibs told us everything,” Hook said, crossing his arms.

            Percy’s sword fell, and I elbowed his nose, hard.  Blood spilled down his face and dripped onto the floor.  “You’ll pay for that,” Percy said.

            “Make me,” I challenged.

            “Enough!” Hook yelled.

            “No!” Percy and I yelled back in unison.

            “Oh dear God!” Hook said, coming over to us.  I knew I only had a matter of seconds to win.  I bent down, and spun on my leg, keeping the other one out.  Percy fell, and I threw myself on top of him, sword at his throat.  “Yield,” I said, breathing hard.

            “What did I do wrong?” Percy groaned.

            “Stay on your toes,” I said.

            Hook grabbed my arms and pulled me off of Percy.  “I am your father,” Hook said.  “It would be nice if every once and a while you’d actually listen to me.”

            “I’ve known you were my father for about a week,” I wheezed.  “Give me some time to get used to it.”

            “We need to talk,” Hook said.

            “No, please, I need to win one fight!” Percy exclaimed, clambering to his feet.

            “You, lad, need to go and rest,” Hook said.  “If you keep throwing yourself into every fight possible, you’re going to get injured.  Oh,” he paused and studied Percy’s face. “Take care of that nose, eh boy?”

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