Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four

            “As I’m sure you have all realized,” Peter said, and the Lost Boys fell silent.  “Fonce has been found.  Ed has been tracking him for weeks, and has finally found him.”

            “Are you sure?” Slightly asked.

            “Positive,” Edward said with a militaristic nod of his head.  “I saw him go in and then he emerged about a half hour later.”

            “Now, we are going to attack and get that pixie dust and gold back now,” Peter said.  “There is simply no time to waste; therefore Thomas, Percy, Edward, James and I will go in tonight.”

            “Hang on,” Hook and I said at the same time.  We looked at each other.  “Will you stop it?” we both asked of the other.  “Ugh!” I groaned as he did the same.

            “Wendy and Hook, you had something to say?” Peter asked.

            “You first,” Hook and I said.  I rolled my eyes and pursed my lips.  I looked at Hook.  “You first,” I said.

            “I’m going with you,” Hook said.

            “And so am I!” I exclaimed.

            “You are not going in,” Peter said.

            “Ooh, a lover’s quarrel,” Slightly said, not making any attempt to keep his voice down.  “This should be interesting.”

            “Shut up Slightly!” Peter and I said together.  Thomas snickered.  I turned to him and glared.  He immediately turned his laugh into a hacking cough.

            “I’m not staying here,” I said.

            “Wendy, we can talk about this later,” Peter said firmly.

            “This is ridiculous!” I protested.  “You are the most important person on this whole island.”  Hook made an indignant noise beside me and I waved a hand in his general direction.  “You know it’s true.  Peter, if he captures you, we’re all doomed.  Send me!”

            “If you’re captured, everyone will come after you,” Peter argued.

            “No, you won’t,” I said.  “Because I will break every bone in your body if you do.”

            “Threats don’t help relationship issues,” Slightly called out.

            “What would you know about relationships?” I asked.  “You’ve never had one; I don’t understand how you became an expert about them.”

            Slightly turned bright red, and I turned back to Peter.  “It makes so much more sense if you and Hook, the most talented swordsmen stay behind to defend the compound in the event that we should fail.”

            “She’s right,” Percy said.  “You two should stay behind.”

            “I’d argue that Wendy is the best swordsman,” James said.

            I glared at him.  “James, do us all a favour, and shut up!”

            “Wendy!” Peter said.

            “We’re just wasting time!” I exclaimed.

            “You’re wasting time,” Peter said.

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