Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

            “Wendy,” Peter said, shaking my shoulder.  “Wendy, it’s time to go.”

            I opened my eyes and looked into Peter’s green eyes.  “I don’t even remember falling asleep,” I said.

            “Yeah, you kind of just fell into bed,” he said.  “I had to take off your shoes.”  He gestured to the floor where my little red slippers sat.

            “Oh!” I exclaimed.  I got up and ran over to my suitcase.  “I can’t forget this.”

            Peter raised an eyebrow.  “Why not?” he asked.

            “It’s got everything I want to remember in it,” I replied smiling. 

            Peter grinned.  “Well, are you ready?” he asked.

            I went into my suitcase and pulled out the glass tube necklace.  “John is going to kill me when he finds out how I used this,” I said.

            Peter squeezed my hand.  “Ready?” he asked.

            I unscrewed the cap of the vial and closed my eyes as I poured the dust over my head.  I felt the ground float away and opened my eyes.  I was hovering about three feet off the ground.  I laughed.  “This is amazing!” I exclaimed.

            “Shh,” Peter said, flying up to me and taking my hand.  He floated over to the window and opened it.  He looked at me.  “Last chance to turn back,” he said.

            “I’m ready,” I said, thinking of the letter that had probably already made it to my parents’ house.

            Dear Mother and Father; I’ve decided to spend the half-term at Miss Primrose’s.  You were right; boarding school was the best option for me.   I love it here!  I am sure that you’ll understand.  All my love, Wendy.

            “Let’s go.”

            “Alright then,” he said, and together we flew out of the window.  “Neverland, here we come!”

            We fly over the park and upwards toward the North Star.  “Second star to the right,” I said, “and straight on til morning.”

            Peter squeezed by hand and altered our flight slightly so that we were flying towards the second star to the right of the North Star.  “Ready?” he whispered.

            I grinned.  “Absolutely.”

            Peter flew faster, and all of a sudden there were bright flashing colours swirling all around us like a kaleidoscope.  Blue and green and pink and orange spiralled past me.  I laughed and Peter smiled at me.  Suddenly, the colours stopped spinning, and Peter and I were floating high in the sky. 

            I looked over at him.  “The pirates aren’t going to shoot cannon balls at us this time, are they?” I asked, referring to the first time my brothers and I had come to Neverland.  The pirates had, in good sport, shot cannon balls at us for us to dodge, but I’d been terrified.

            “No,” Peter said.  “I don’t reckon they will.”

            In the light of the moon, I looked down and drank in the sight of the blue, crystal waters.  My eyes flew to Mermaid Cove, but I did not see the pretty sea folk sitting on the rocks, combing their long hair.  I searched for the pirate ship, but I couldn’t find it.  “Where is everyone?” I asked.

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