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hoseok was woken up not by the sunlight streaming into the room, but rather hyungwon breathing right into his ear. he fumbled around for his phone, noticing that they were no longer on the couch.

pristine white sheets covered both him and hyungwon, who had his arms wrapped around the shorter's waist.

hyungwon, hoseok concluded, was a deep sleeper who didn't move an inch when hoseok pried the elder's grasp from his waist.

despite spending the entire night in the model's arms, hoseok didn't feel the least bit embarrassed. rather, he felt more at home in hyungwon's embrace than in his own bed.

picking up his phone, the first thing he saw was the insane amount of instagram notifications, followed by the time, which read 10.55 am in the morning.

not forgetting he was supposed to meet kihyun at 11 together with hyungwon, he immediately dashed towards the sleeping model, shaking him awake.

hyungwon stirred in his sleep before swatting the blonde's hands away.

"we're meeting kihyun at 11, and we only have 5 minutes to get there!!" hoseok groaned, attempting to drag hyungwon out of bed.

begrudgingly, hyungwon got out of bed and headed to the bathroom.


hoseok followed meekly behind hyungwon as the younger led the both of them towards the studio. however, instead of turning right towards the studio, hyungwon headed towards a small quaint cafe.

hoseok shot hyungwon a questioning gaze. it was his first photoshoot after all, and he wanted to leave a good impression.

"don't worry, when kihyun arranges to meet at 11, he arrives at 12, so we have about an hour to get food." hyungwon answered hoseok's doubts.

hoseok headed to a table while hyungwon ordered their food and drinks at the counter, seemingly immune to the heart eyes that both the cashier and the girls in the cafe shot to him.

hoseok scoffed, rolling his eyes. hyungwon was obviously the male heartthrob in a shoujo anime and the girls were the typical ones you see with heart eyes and drool coming out of their mouths.

hyungwon soon came back with drinks and a slice of cake. hoseok could literally feel the stares of the girls directed to him now.

"omo he's so hot"

"i know right!"

"they look so cute together oh my gosh."

hoseok blushed at the last one, if no one could tell, hoseok was as straight as circle, but has a thing for cute anime girls for some reason.

"selca?" hoseok suggested, to which hyungwon gladly


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wonho.aes breakfasttt~!
view 3 comments
princechae aw we're so cute
minmiddlenamegayhyuk AWWW U GUYS ARE SO CUTE
mainbitchkihyun sO U GUYS DITCHED ME AND WENT ON A DATE AGAIN wow ok

"uh hyungwon?" hoseok spoke up.

"hmm?" hyungwon hummed, sipping his iced americano.

hyungwon tensed when he saw hoseok's worried expression.

"apparently kihyun has been waiting for us since eleven,"

hyungwon simply cursed under his breath.

a/n OKaY how did this hit 200 reads holy shit y'all are amazing

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