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it was not till hoseok got home, tripped over his couch and bruised his knee did he remember about hyungwon's injuries. his heart caught in his throat as he realized how much of an unconcerned friend he might have seemed.

instantly powering up his instagram application, he scrolled to hyungwon's chat.

omg hyungwon i'm sorry
i noticed the bruises u had but i forgot to ask you about it
are you okay?
what happened?
maybe it's uncomfortable to talk about it but please just tell me you're alright
are you alright?
where are you?
why aren't you replying
usually you'd reply in 20 seconds flat

hoseok began to worry. hyungwon wasn't someone who would stay very far from his instagram, much less ignore hoseok's messages.

deep breaths. hoseok tried to calm himself down, but hyungwon not replying to messages wasn't a normal, everyday kind of thing. this spelt trouble.

hoseok switched his chat to 'kihyun's muses', maybe they would know something, or hyungwon would be with them.

guys guys guys
hyungwon isn't replying to my messages
does anyone happen to know where he is
or is he with anyone of yall

after you left i waited for hyunwoo to clean the snot off his jacket before leaving

i left after changkyun and jooheon
i think hyungwon was the last to leave??

idk if its just me but did anyone else saw the bruises on hyungwon??

OMG yes i did
do u know who caused them???

wtf i didn't even notice

ok i saw this otw home with minhyuk in the car but i didn't tell hyuk
apparently hyungwon was sandwiched between these two guys dressed in black
i thought they were friends bc hyungwon seemed to be laughing?

hyunwoo tell me how they looked like

there this guy wearing purple aviators, then the other guy had a tattoo on his arm
i couldn't tell what it was but i think it was a snake? dragon?

it's a cobra
call the ambulance and police
head to xxxxxxx now
hyungwon is in deep shit
its his father's property and its heavily guarded so be careful

wait what's happening


i'll explain everything on the way
ok during our sob session earlier
hyungwon said i rescued him from hell right
it was his home actually
mrs chae died when hyungwon was young
mr chae abused hyungwon throughout his entire childhood up till he met me
i helped him escape
and introduced him to modelling
but one day his father called and told hyungwon to get his ass back home
and quit modelling
or else he'll kill hyungwon
or do something to make him stop
because if hyungwon makes it big he'd be able to expose his father and the abuse
mr chae would lose his millions of dollars
he didn't want that
we got a restraining order against mr chae three months ago
idk whats happening but we cant let that bastard get his hands on hyungwon

ok i'm at xxxxxxx

dont u dare play hero

wonho wait for us

hoseok glanced at the concerned messages flooding his inbox from his friends. he ignored them, turning off his phone instead and walking down the lawn to the dimly lit house.

the floorboards creaked beneath his feet as he trudged into the house, the sounds of sniffling increasing in volume. hoseok blindly ran forward, desperately trying to get towards the sound of crying which he can distinctively identify as hyungwon's.

hoseok burst into a room with light spilling in from a single window, but illuminating enough for hoseok to see the figure tied to a chair.

"hyungwon!" hoseok yelled, sprinting forward to the bruised and bloodied figure tied to the chair.

"ho...seok" hyungwon croaked out.

hoseok barely reached hyungwon when a fist connected to his stomach, sending him tumbling across the room till his back hit the wall.

"well, well, well. look who we have here? little hyungwonnie's boy toy? or his knight in shining armor?"

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