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"may i ask, god bless my soul, why are you BAWLING your eyes out at three in the morning?" hyungwon slammed open the door to the study, flinging a rather limp pillow at hoseok.

"god bless MY soul too, hyungwon, for i can never watch my anime in PEACE" hoseok retorted, blowing his nose into yet another piece of tissue, producing a sound almost similar to a trumpet, or a clarinet - hyungwon almost mistook hoseok for a member of the orchestra.

glancing disdainfully at the almost overflowing bin of tissues, he made a mental note to remind kihyun to give his not-environmentally-friendly boyfriend a talk about how important it is to actually save the earth. not like hyungwon himself didn't need one, considering the amount of time he spent in the shower.

his train of thought was snapped by the limp pillow thrown to his face.

"i would like to very much tell you to shut up but you're too hot, so i'll forgive you this once," hyungwon muttered, tucking the pillow under his arm and trudging back to his room before throwing himself onto the bed.

it was about half past four in the morning when the sniffling finally stopped and the door to the bedroom creaked open. hyungwon almost felt his heart leap out of his chest before he remembered he wasn't staying alone anymore, but before he could even compose himself for slumber, a huge weight landed on him, knocking the air out of his lungs.

"GOD DAMN IT HOSEOK WHAT ARE YOU DOING" hyungwon shrieked, slapping the heavier man on the biceps, struggling to shove said overgrown puppy back into his original spot on the bed.

"that's how i show my love, sweetheart," hoseok flipped around so he was facing hyungwon, and he could see the outline of hoseok's fishy lips coming into close proximity. hyungwon panicked.

"no NO NO HOSEOK NO," hyungwon turned his face as far as he could from his boyfriend who was swooping in to plant a very wet kiss on his face.

hoseok pouted, "no kissy for hoseokie?"

hyungwon gagged, "no, never. not when you refer to yourself in third person, even more so when you call yourself hoseokie."

that did not stop hoseok, in fact, it happened to fuel his determination to land a big fat kiss onto hyungwon.

"hyungwonnie, stop being a tsundere. come let hoseokie give you kissies!"

nothing can stop hoseok when he was determined. and when i said nothing, i actually meant that you somehow can't shove a muscular man off your body when you have stick arms like hyungwon.

rolling his eyes, hyungwon relented, making a mental note to search up the word 'tsundere' when he wakes up in the morning.

i tried to write a fluffy chapter but all my heart and soul knows is angst.

it's been 2 years, thank you for the immense support and kind comments. i may start a text fic again soon

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