My Beginning

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Hello, Im Mineran, and my wolves name is Cassa. I'm sixteen years old and the Omega of my pack. Life is very difficult for most omegas but this pack didn't care what I did. Most of the time I was either cleaning or cooking. I read a lot of books since I do not have permission from the alpha to watch the television. My mother Lillian, is the alpha's mate. Both my parents rejected me when I became omega. I became the omega at the age of seven. Ever since then, my life in the MoonFire Pack has been a lot crazier than ever before.
Everyone in the pack, including me, stay in their human form. We all go to a human school like most packs do. Every once in a while I have to change schools with some of the other pack members for no reason in particular and have to make new friends. There was one time that I was the popular kid until the alpha beat me in front of the whole school because I had forgot to help mother with her hair. He had drove all the way there just too yell at me and hurt me. Then he went back to the house. Every day the beatings get worse. First, it started off as just getting slapped once or twice, but now im getting cut and punched by everyone in the pack. The one who hurts me the most is Cinder. She is crazy in love with the alpha and hates me because I remind her that the alpha already has a mate and a daughter.
I dont mind the beatings because it lets me know that everyone hasn't forgotten about me. Zane, the male wolf who was supposed to be the omega, tries to protect me as much as possible. He thinks of me as a little sister and I think of him as a big brother. My mother is going to be having a pup soon and its going to be a boy. I'll have to listen to him and care for him when mother is away since that's also the job for the omega in this pack, caring for the young.
"Mineran you slut, come down to the kitchen right this moment!" The alpha's command always made me fearful. As I get down to the kitchen I could see that the ShadowLine Pack alpha and beta were here. I had just remembered that I was going to be sold off to them this week, but I didnt expect it to be today. I follow the ShadowLine Pack beta to a car with tinted windows. He opened the door and shoved me into the car, and he sat right next to me. Shortly after the alpha of this pack got into the car, the vehicle took off and I fell asleep.

Thanks for reading this chapter, I hope u liked it and have a nice day!

The Power of a Goddess Werewolf  ~ Book One ~ Miss Moon GoddessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora