Her Strang Dream

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~phoenix's pov~

Its been three weeks since Mineran pasted the fuck out and im starting to get pissed towards everyone. The other day Jack came into the room and I threw my lamp at him. The lamp broke against his face and he had to go see the pack nurse. My life is hell without Mineran being awake and without her being able to talk to me, although she never talks she just pushes me away. Right now im laying down beside her, talking to myself, talking to her about how I wished she would walk up and accept me. Im scared that she will never wake up.

~Mineran's pov~

I only see darkness, its cold. I can faintly see a moon above me. Everything around me is pitch black, untill the moon had gone. Now its clear as day. I can see trees around me and animals running around. Then I can hear a woman's voice coming from somewhere. "Mineran, please hear me. You need to wake up. He is waiting for you to wake up." I turn around to see someone behind me. Her voice sounds familiar but I dont recognize her. She is wearing a dress that flows everywhere. The ribbong on her arms looks as if its floating ontop the water. Her hair is white and she has white wolf ears. Wait a minute....she looks like the Moon Goddess from all the stories ive read as a kid. Could this be, could this lady really be the Moon Goddess? "Hello Mineran, do you know who I am yet?" Why does her voice sound so fimiliar? It almost sounds like Cassa's voice. "Cassa? or are you the Moon Goddess?" She smiles and nods. "Im both, I am Cassa, the Moon Goddess. I am your wolf." Wait, my wolf is the Moon Goddess? How could this be? Im an omega, my wolf should be an omega and not a goddess. This has to be a dream. "Mineran you have to wake up, he is waiting for you. He doesnt want you to be asleep anymore."
With those words I slowly start to open my eyes to see that Phoenix is sleeping next to me. I look around and I see that im i a bigger room than what the hut was. I try to sit up but all the nerves in my body feel like their being electrocuted. I lay there on the soft bed below me, stareing at the ceiling. I hear the soft breaths from Phoenix. Maybe I should trust him. Cassa? "Yes Mineran?" Are you the Moon Goddess? "Yes. The dream you just had was real. I did talk to you and you did see what I really look like." Ive only heard of one other person having a goddess as their wolf but that was a Luna. I dont know what im supposed to do with this informatio that I have a goddess as my wolf. I hear Phoenix grunt a bit as he wakes up. He finally wakes up and looks at me. He smiles and my heart flutters, I love it when he smiles, it feels so warm when he does. I try to move again but more pain floods over my body and I yelp a bit. Phoenix looks a bit worried now and calls for someone. Jack comes into the room, his face cut up by something. "Yes alpha Phoenix? Is there something I can help you with?" Jack looks at me and back to Phoenix, then nods and leaves the room. I look at Phoenix who is now standing beside the bed instead of laying next to me. Why did Cassa choose Phoenix as my mate, she couldve chosen anyone since she is a goddess. I can see that Phoenix is still pissed. I look away from him and he silently whimpers. I want to tell him to go away but I acctualy love when hes near.

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