Free at last

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'Run faster!' My wolf wasn't helping me any by yelling at me. That's all she ever does anymore, yell. As I dodge root that have surfaced from the ground, bushes and rocks, my wolf beggs me to let her free. I can still hear the alpha and beta behind me, tbe growl loader than my last alpha. My heart races and my eyes dart around, looking for something or someone to help. Out of the corner of my eye I can see a person. They dont seem to notic me just the growling from the alpha. Next thing I know the growling stops, when I stop running and turn back to see if the alpha and beta were behind me, I couldn't see them. They are gone and I am left alone. This is what ive always wanted, to be alone, to not have to be beaten or to have to work all the time. I wonder around for a few minutes.

Sorry everyone for not publishing any chapters for a while. Im sick right now.
Anyways I hope all of you have a good day or night (whenever your reading this)

The Power of a Goddess Werewolf  ~ Book One ~ Miss Moon GoddessWhere stories live. Discover now