Finding My Way

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Why did it have to be my who was the omega, why did I have to have such a screwed up life? 'you know what we should do now, right?' My wolf claws at me to set her free, to let her run. I look around and see trees in ever direction. I didnt know what way I had come from anymore. I was scared to go in any direction, what if I was going back to the pack I just ran from? I sit on the ground and think, I remember that I saw someone while running and I tried to remember what they looked like but I couldn't remember. I look at my left leg since it hurt a lot, I saw that it was bleeding. The alpha or beta must have scratched me or while I was running a bush or something sharp cut me. Most werewolves can heal themselves quickly but I can't. My wolf won't let me heal, she is punishing me for running without a plan of surrvival. 'Where are we supposed to go! You're so stupid. No one will take us in since we are the run away omega!' She was right. The ShadowLine pack was going to tell every other pack about what happened to their new omega, about what I did. No one will take us in, they will just take me back to the pack that I wanted so badly to get away from.
After a few hours it had started to rain and I was walking around trying to find shelter. My leg was bleeding a lot the more I walked. The pain increased by ten and I wanted to sit and rest. My vision is starting to go blury and I can barley see in front of me. I can kinda see a small wooden hut in a clearing of the forest. i make my way to the hut and go inside. There is a small bed made on the floor, a table in the middle of the room with a chair by it, and a little fire place in the corner of the hut. I lay down on the open floor and fall asleep.
Running into a forest, rain beating onto me, growling behind me, people screaming. I turn back to see a pack chasing me and their pack house burning because of the fire I started. "You bitch! Get the hell back here and get punished!" The alpha tackles me and bites down on my throwt. I slowly loose my sight and my life.
I wake up and hear that it is raining. My leg wasn't hurting anymore and when I look at it there are bandages on it. I can hear that someone is in the room with me but it's to dark to see anything. I look around anyways to see if I can see a figure, but instead I see red glowing eyes on the other side of the room.

I hope everyone liked this chapter. Have a good day or night. 😄

The Power of a Goddess Werewolf  ~ Book One ~ Miss Moon GoddessWhere stories live. Discover now