Chapter 1.

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Waking up in the morning. You thought 'Omg no.' Right? Try waking up at 6am,knowing you have a bad day ahead. Also for the past 6 weeks, you've been getting up at 1pm.

Today is the first day of hell. A.K.A,school.

I wouldn't have a problem with school, if it had no lessons, or dickheads, or old, grumpy teachers. But other than friends, that is school summed up into one sentence.

Oh, I forgot. My name is April Summers. Don't laugh at my name, I didn't choose it.

I have long, blonde hair down to my butt, naturally curly. Big blue eyes, normally covered by sunglasses. And skinny, pale lips, hid by my 'Sexy Mother-Pucker' Lip gloss.

I'm tiny. My body is tiny, I'm a 5'3 15 year old. I have no boobs. No bum. Nothing.

'April,get down here right now. Your Dad will be awake soon.' My Mum shouted.

Well,'Mum'..I was adopted at the age of 5. My parents were 14 when they had me. Fucked up, I know.

I love my Mum, she always protected me, and gave me the things I needed. Thank god it isn't Dad and me.

My dad wishes me dead. Dramatic? I don't think so.

Everyday after school, if I don't bring him anything he wants (Money, food,etc.) He beats me.

You're probably thinking 'Why are you saying it so casual then.' Well that's because it has been consistent for 8 years. I have bruises, burns, and cuts in every place possible.

I've always said at 16 I will run away. But that's in 2 months,and I haven't worked out a plan yet.

With a last look in the mirror, I ran downstairs. Only to find my mother hurrying me. School bag in one hand, a very odd looking cereal bar in the other.

'Thanks Mum, love you.' I said with a smile.

I turned my back and ran to the door, just as the big, yellow school bus arrived at my door. Quickly hopped on, and took a seat at the back. The bus went past my best friend's house soon, so I wouldn't be a loner forever.

Once we had stopped at the very familiar bus stop, I saw my best friend running towards the bus. Alfie Boot. The hottest, funniest boy in the school. But guess who got 'friend zoned' on the first day of middle school. Me.


Why not embarrass me anymore?

'I'M RIGHT HERE BABY.' I stood up shouting.

The whole school bus looked at us annoyed. But who cares?

From the second Alf got on the bus, to the second we stepped into the school halls, where filled with nothing but laughter. 6 weeks without seeing your best friend once hurts.

Through summer break, Alfie spent the whole 6 weeks in Los Angeles. Did I mention his Dad was a millionaire? While my Dad is the biggest dickhead of the year.

'April? Hello?' I heard. Alfie was stood in front of my face, waving his hands.

'I'm sorry what?'

'Meet me here at Lunch gorgeous.' Ever just melt at one word? Gorgeous. Woah.

'Okay.' I said with a smile.

Alfie kissed my cheek, then walked off in a different direction.

I stood in the same spot for a good 10 seconds, trying to fathom what had happened. It was just a kiss, right?

The school bell broke me out of my thoughts, signalling we had 5 minutes to get to class.

I looked at my new timetable that I picked up when Alfie&I walked in. To kick off the first day, the first lesson was..


Everyone's like 'Woo yeah,Art is amazing,omg.' No. Art means not expressing yourself, only what your teachers want.

I dragged my body to the Art room, which is fortunately very close to were I was standing.

There was a seating plan on the board, join me in hoping I don't sit next to a loser.


Great, the biggest loser in the year. If I sound like a bitch,good. We have a bad past,that I shouldn't bring up right now.

Once I'd reached my seat, Joel was already sat there. I barged past his chair, that was blocking most of the walk to mine.

I shoved his chair forward, maybe a little too much. Definitely a little to much.

A loud thud was heard below me, and everyone was looking in our direction. Next thing I knew the Art teacher was stood in front of me.

Her bulging brown eyes,looked like they could burst. Her glasses were on the very end of her pointed noes. Her mouth was crinkled so much, you could no longer see her lips.

'April Summers, Out NOW.' She boomed.

Sent to the detention room, on the first lesson of the first day. Looks like this day will go well.

The day until Lunch dragged. I was let go from the Detention room, then I had Math. Boring. Then Science,Boring. Finally it was Lunch.

Alfie was stood, arms wide, when I reached the destination we planned to meet.

I ran into his arms, looking for a normal, average hug. But he picked me up, and spun me around until I was so dizzy I couldn't see.

'Hey gorgeous' Alf whispered.

My heart fluttered, and I had bad butterflies in my tummy. That was just from two words.

'Hey..' I said back.

It was clear I was nervous, no matter how much I tried to hide it.

'Can I talk to you, please?' He asked.

That's what I was worried about.

'Sure..' I whispered.

Alfie guided my outside, behind the bike sheds.

'So April..'


I hope you enjoyed my first chapter. I will update everyday. Love you's:).

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