Chapter 3.

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We had just stepped off the plane,into the warm,sunny California world.

Alfie and I walked hand in hand through the airport,I really felt like I was in a movie. The only difference,the girls in the movies were pretty.

I don't think I've ever told you this,but I'm really self-consious. In the past, a girl would come up to me, everyday. She would call me fat, and disgusting,and I needed to go on a diet. Of course, I listened to her. And for a year, I was anorexic. I shivered at this thought, and carried on with my day.

Alfie and I had arrived at the conveyer belt, seeing all the luggage of other passengers fly around. Finally we spotted our suitcases, Alf said to pack one suitcase with a lot of clothes,then the rest will be in the Boot's private jet.

There was a car parked outside. Also a man stood outside the car, holding a sign. It read 'Boot&Summers'

Alfie spotted it automatically, and walked up to the man. They did some kind of special handshake, I guess they know each other well?

Once our luggage was in the back of the car, and Alfie and I were sat inside the car, it was time to see our new house.

We pulled onto a drive way, and some gates opened for us, welcoming us home. The house was huge from the outside. It was white, and looked super clean. They had bay windows, and another huge gate next to the house.

Alfie took my hand in his, and with his free hand, signalled the driver to bring the luggage behind us.

The door too our new house was open, and Alfie stepped inside first, me following quickly behind.

The first room was the hallway. The hallway alone was amazing, it had shiny tiled floor. It had cream wallpaper, with a huge mirror and lots of paintings hanging on.

There were 3 doors to the left, and one door to the right. I wondered which to go in first,and opted for the first door to the left.

Inside was obviously the living room. It really looked like a palace. With cream and white sofa's, with white sheepskin throws over them. It was carpet in this room, a very soft, furry carpet that I could lie on forever.

I walked out of the living room, closing the door behind me, and went into the second room.

This room was the dining room. There was a huge wooden table right in the middle of the room, chairs scattered all around it. Above the table was a chandelier, showering every wall with twinkles from the light.

I decided too move on and check the third room. This one was the computer/relax room.

It had 4 Apple Mac computers lined upon a glass desk, and glass chair with a green cushion on top. All you could see everywhere were beanbags,fluffy rugs, games, dvds, everything that could keep you occupied for days.

The forth and final room for the left side, was the kitchen. I noticed from all the rooms, they all had a colour theme. Cream, white,glass and Green. The kitchens colour was red. Red worktops, a red microwave, and a red oven. The fridge, floor and cupboards were black.

I backed out of the room, and took a deep sigh. Looking at my watch, I realised I'd been exploring for an hour already.

I made my way too the only door on the right of the main door. I opened the door,and it was a staircase. Making my way up the stairs, I noticed paintings all over. Very famous paintings too.

At the top of the stairs, there was 2 doors,and another set of stairs. I walked through one of the two doors,and realised this was Alfie's parents room. I didn't have chance too look in there, because a very pissed MrBoot looked back at me.

Guessing, the second door was their bathroom. I didn't see MrsBoot in their, so I figured not to go in.

Once I'd reached the top of the second stairs, there was only 2 doors again. I had a 50-50 chance of getting my room. And since it was 11pm,I didn't want to walk into the wrong room.

Just my luck, I guessed wrong. Luckily though, Alfie was sat on his computer, with headphones on. I backed out of the room, and opened the other door.

I gasped at what I saw. A huge room, with a king-sized bed in the middle. Pink silky duvet covered the bed, with pink and white cushions covering the top. It was a four poster bed, with white and pink posts, and pink curtains locked up at the corners.

The rug was white, and incredibly soft. In the left corner of the room, was a wardrobe. I opened the wardrobe too see all my clothes already neatly packed away.

Next to the wardrobe was a chest of draws. My makeup lay out on top,and 4 draws going down. Underwear,Pj's,school clothes,and swimwear.

Directly across from my bed, was a massive TV. With a sky box underneath.

There was a mirror hanging up on the wall next too my bed, that fit my whole body in perfectly. Also in the corner was a dressing table, my perfume and jewellery on top.

I skipped over to my draws, and pulled out my favourite Pj's. I clambered into bed, sinking in to the memory foam mattress. Covering my bed with the curtains, and falling into the best sleep I've had in a while.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter guys,its currently 20 past 1 am. I hope your happy;)

I love my readers,bye.

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