Chapter 11.

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As she was walking out of the bathroom,she noticed me,and smirked. Her clothes made me realise why Alfie had called me here.

She was in the skimpiest corset. Disturbing.

I didn't move,I didn't even cry. I was just shocked. Just numb all over.

Alfie came over to me,and wrapped his arms around me. I didn't hug back,I was still shocked.

Alf guided me out of Ben's house,and we started to walk home. Neither of us said anything,I think he was upset too. He must of really liked Kaylee. What a hoe.

We arrived at our house,while he went in the living room,and I went up to my room.

I'm not sure why,but I'm not upset. Yeah,I am angry,but not upset. Ben was just a big jerk. All I'm thinking is how he is now. Probably having a happy life with Kaylee.

Now only one task,making friends with Alfie.

After a few hours of wondering what to say to Alfie,I hopped downstairs,and decided to wing it all.

'Alfie?' I whispered.

'April,I'm sorry okay. I shouldn't of been so stubborn with you. I just really fell for Kaylee,and it seemed like you didn't want me to be happy. But I guess it doesn't matter now. I'm sorry for everything.'

He had said it for me. Thank gosh.

We both walked into the living room,and sat down on the sofa.

'I'm sorry to Alfie,I should of just let you be happy. Can I tell you something?' I asked nervously.

'Yeah..Although I'm getting worried.'

'Alf.. I love you.'



Yey new chapter!:)  New chapter,either tonight or tomorrow. Hope you're enjoying this story,I am:3

I love my readers:)

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