Chapter 13.

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It had been a few days since Alfie had asked me on a date,and we kissed. I still can't get over it.

We fricken kissed.

Ever since Alf and I had been acting like a real couple. Like the soppy,lovey,coupley couples. I loved every second of it. I'd never realized how much I really liked Alf.

'April?' I heard from upstairs.


'Do you wanna go for coffee?'

Oh damn. I was still in my pajamas.

'Yeah Alf,I just need to get dressed.'

I ran upstairs,into the bathroom and decided too scrape my hair back into a bun. I made it a messy bun,so it only took a few minutes. Then put on a tiny bit of makeup,its only Alf. Hes seen me at my worst.

Finally put a pink jumper and black leggings on. Paired with black pumps,and rolling up the sleeves of the jumper to make it extra casual.

'I'm ready.' I shouted.

Alf was stood by my bedroom door,and once I'd appeared,he softly kissed my lips and smiled.

Aw,I just can't.

We linked hands and skipped downstairs,then out the house.

'Where are we going?' I asked,realizing we are in the opposite direction of Starbucks.

'There's a new coffee place this way,I really wanted to try it.' He said with a smile.

While we was walking,I admired Alfie. His golden brown skin,his naturally blushed cheeks,his sense of style. Put it this way,he looks better than me.

We finally reached the Coffee Shop,and as soon as we stepped in,I new this would be my new favourite place.

Alfie ordered himself a Latte,while I ordered a hot chocolate. We are in a coffee shop,so what?

We sipped our drinks,and chatted about everything,when out of know where he asked;

'So I'm taking you on our date tonight.'

I was happy with that,until he said to be ready at 7. Its 4 now!

After explaining to Alfie why we needed to go quick,he agreed and we rushed out.

Once we got home it was already half past 4.

I ran upstairs and put music on,it calms me down alot.

Ed Sheeran blasted out my speakers,which made me smile. I walked over to my wardrobe,while singing 'Don't'. I shouted down to Alfie is its casual or formal,and I felt relieved when he said casual!

I decided on wearing my Pink fluffy jumper,black leggings,and UGG boots. My hair got thrown up into a messy bun,and I did my makeup in record time. Alfie shouted up the stairs asking if I was ready,so I skipped down them to greet him.

'You look,whoa.' He said.

I gently pecked his lips,and we walked out of the house. After driving for about an hour,we finally reached our destination. Alfie took the blindfold off my eyes that he had put on before,and I gasped at what I saw.

We was at a golf course. With on one of the hills,a huge picnic basket.

'Oh my god,Alfie!' I gasped.

We got out of the car,and he grabbed my hand. Alfie and I got to the basket with a soft blanket on the floor,and sat down.


It was a couple of hours later,and Alf and I had talked about pretty much everything.

'Race down the hill?' He said,looking at his watch.

It made me suspicious,but I agreed anyway.

We got in the position to roll,when the golf sprinklers came on,making both me and Alf,very wet. We rolled down the hill,I won. As soon as Alf stood up,he pulled me up with him and wrapped his arms around my waist.

We kissed until the sprinklers stopped,and I realized straight away that I looked like a drowned rat. My makeup was half off,half smudged on my face,my hair was rats tails,and my clothes were clung to my body.

Alfie and I was both laughing still.

'April?' He said,

'Oh gosh..yeah?' I said hesitantly.

'Will my girlfriend?.'


Oh dayum. What's april going to say?;)

Sorry its been so long beautifuls x

I love my readers:*.

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