Chapter 12.

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'Alf..I love you.'

Shit,why had I told him? Its been like 5 seconds,and he hasn't said anything.

'I love you too.' He whispered.

Then,he got up,and walked out of the room. He loved me? Did he mean it? I'm not sure,but I did.

 I decided too go to Starbucks,just to get out of the house,and some fresh air.

Once I'd reached Starbucks,I went too the counter,ordered a coffee,and sat outside,sipping my drink happily.

It got me thinking about things that have happened since I moved here.

I'd fallen for Alfie,fallen for Ben,found Kaylee,realised Ben was an asshole,lost Alfie,fell for Ben again,got cheated on,then hopefully got Alfie back. Its been a long few months.

'April?' I heard behind me.

I turned around to see a face I really didn't want to see right now.


'I'm sorry for what happened,Kaylee was a huge mistake,I only realised these past few days,how much you really mean to me,you're my world.' 


'No Ben,you are the mistake. You cheating on me,made me realise I love Alfie. And only Alfie. You and Kaylee may have messed everything up for Me and Alf,but I will try my hardest to get you both out of our lives. Goodbye Ben.'

I stood up,and walked away. Don't look back. Tears threatened to spill,but I had to get out of sight from him. Eventually I'd reached my house,so I ran upstairs,put my pj's on,and cried.

There was a knock on my door,around an hour after getting in.

'Come in.' I sobbed.

'April,what's wrong?' Alfie said,running to my side.

'Ben tried to take me back.'

'That's why he's downstairs then?' He asked.

Shit,no no no.

'Tell him I don't want to speak to him? I'm done. I hate him.' I spluttered,still sobbing.

Alfie disappeared back downstairs,and I heard a door slam. Thank god,he's gone.

I ran downstairs,and saw Ben on the sofa.

'What are you doing here?!' I shouted.

'April I'm sorry! I love you! Please give me one more chance.'

'No. Get out!' I shouted again.

Ben got up off the sofa,and stormed out of the house. That horrible sound of the door slam echoed through the house once again.

I sighed and flopped onto the sofa,beginning to cry again. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

'Alf?' I asked.

'April.' He replied.

He came over to me,wrapped his arms around me,and once again said;

'I love you.'

'Alf..I love you too.'

'Do you really though?' He asked.

'Yes,I defiantly do.' I said,smiling for once today.

He grinned back at me before asking; 

'April,will you go on a date with me?'

'Yes.' I said simply.

I buried my head back into his chest,while we stayed hugging for a while, it felt so good,just to be happy. Happy with Alfie. Happy without Ben and Kaylee.




Alfie and I had spent the whole night eating pizza,watching cheesy movies,and cuddling on the sofa,its been utter perfection.

It got late,so we decided to head up to bed. We trailed upstairs,and stood outside my bedroom door.

'Night Alf.' I said.

'Night gorgeous.' He replied.

Cheesy,but I love it.

Alfie pulled me in for a hug,and when I pulled back,he kissed me. He fricken kissed me.

I kissed back,feeling so ecstatic with how everything worked out. Alfie winked at me,and went into his room. Leaving me too melt onto the floor.

I guess today wasn't so bad after all.




Omgggg they kissed;)  I hope you're enjoying this. Next chapter tomorrow hopefully:)

I Love my readers:*                                                                           

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