1 - The Jelly Beans

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Ever since we were little kids, I have always hated Tannus Bracken. He was mean and crude and most of all, not very helpful to my blossoming youth. I was only six when I told him that I had a crush on him and what did he do? He dumped sand in my pants and told me that I was stupid. Of course, it was just child's play, but the picking never let up. All through the years he continued to do things to make me swallow my pride. I hated him ever since that day and vowed that I would make him pay for it later on in life.
Of course, I thought he would move away from the small town where we grew up and all would be forgotten but damn it if he didn't stay in town too. Twenty years had passed from when we were six year olds pushing people around and I still hadn't gotten rid of him. His cousin, Oliver, wasn't that bad to be around but Tannus never knew exactly when to shut the hell up. Beside's he always brought up a secret that he had discovered every time we crossed paths.
I, Delilah Manchester, hated him with a passion and vowed to never like him no matter what.

At twenty-six years old, I was working in a chemistry lab that was local and usually did pharmaceuticals for the town and then six towns out. I was in research and development but who would have ever thought that Tannus would be a brilliant scientist as well and end up in the same department as me? In a different room, of course, but fate is a bitch when it comes to that guy. Giving him secret intellect I had no idea was coming...
But, alas, at least I was still smarter in him about it. He usually used his looks more than his intellect to get everything and let me tell you, his looks werent' that bad. He had the whole bad boy look down pat all the way from his dyed pitch black shaggy hair and gorgeous brown eyes to the swagger he walked and the clothes he wore. He was known as being the one that made the girls swoon. He rode a motorcycle and everything.
Luckily, I was given an assignment to help the impact of the environment and so far it was doing well. Well, at least with the animals it was being tested on. Human testing was a little farfetched at the time until we perfected everything.

I was taking notes down on the experiments going on in each of the four cages when my assistant, Rose Baker, walked in. She was just out of high school and was taking on an apprenticeship with me as my assistant.
"Dr. Manchester?" she asked, leaning on the counter.
"Do you really think these are going to work on humans? I mean, a couple of them are a little farfetched without some physical contact if you get my meaning."
"True... but there's a secret ingredient in there that makes it happen. No one but me and the company knows about it, but it's safe for humans to ingest. It was tested soon after it was discovered."
"So this secret ingredient is what makes everything happen?" she asked, looking at the little monkeys in the cages.
"It yes, because like you said, some of it really has to do with contact and not everyone wants that until they are ready; unless they're married. Even then..."
"So what will you sell them as? "Sex Candies"?"
I laughed a little. "That's a good one. No, I don't know what they should be called. Considering that they will be more like jelly beans or something... at least that's what I've been using." I say, pointing to the containers containing thousands of jelly beans.
Seven containers with seven different colors: black, yellow, green, white, red, purple, and pink. Each of them had their own purpose in my experiment and some even helped the other.
It seemed that this old small town had gotten into a very big rut in the reproduction of children here. It seemed like everyone sexual drive was shot to pieces and so the company decided to try and get that back up, get some spark back in people's lives by making these candies, or pills. What they will be called as a collective was beyond me, but what they did separately was amazing and seemed very promising considering the results of the little monkeys we were testing it on.
Each color represents a different function and also had to do with DNA. The DNA of the person needed to be inserted into the jelly bean before things ever took place with anything. There were different rules for each of the colors on how they worked.
Pink = love: the pink jelly bean made two people fall in love or made one person fall in love with another. The DNA on that had to be in both jelly beans and eaten by the opposite person, or they would be completely narcissistic. This jelly bean only lasted a month before the effects wore off; the rest is up to the people/person who had eaten it.
Red = libido: the red jelly bean was used to increase the sexual drive of a person. It was not like Viagra; it had to do with the sexual drive of the person, not the stick shift of the person. Some people just can't get horny enough to try anything and so this would help.
Yellow = increase of ovulation: the yellow jelly bean is used mostly in conjunction with the white jelly bean and this was the help people who want to try naturally for a child. It increases the times a woman ovulates. The only side effect is more ovulation, more periods.
White = increase of fertile sperm: the white jelly bean is used more than the yellow because it does not cause more than the necessary situations to occur. It causes the sperm (especially in men who have very low sperm count/coding) to increase and have the correct coding for making children. This, and using the yellow, helps to naturally produce a child.
Purple = pregnancy: the purple jelly bean is used when a couple has tried and tried have a child but naturally just hasn't worked. The secret ingredient comes into play here to allow this to happen quickly. The opposite party must eat the jelly bean with the other's DNA in it and the secret ingredient does the rest
Green = control: the green jelly bean is used to control some of the other jelly beans. Sometimes they get a little haywire from stress or other things and the green jelly bean helps bring things back to level
Black = cancellation: the black jelly bean is used to cancel any of the other jelly beans except the purple. Once a pregnancy starts, it cannot be stopped by the black; it must be done medically if it is serious. It also does not work on outside forces that involve love or feelings, only those induced by the jelly beans.
"And all those have the stuff injected in them?"
"Yes, the secret ingredient is injected into every one of those. The only thing left for them is to be injected with DNA to test out the outcomes."
"This is so interesting. Can I be a human tester?" she asked, her bright blue eyes wide with anticipation.
"Sorry, you must be twenty-one years old or older to be a guinea pig."
She frowned but sighed, looking at the jars. "I can't to see what they do. What if there are side effects?"
"I don't doubt there won't be. Chemistry is tricky and dodgy."
Rose nodded and went down the aisle to check on more monkeys.
But what she and the company didn't know was that I already had a few of the jelly beans set aside and injected with my own DNA. I had a couple of people I wanted to try it out on in secret just for revenge.

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