10 - Awkward

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I was surprised that Tannus really didn't make any crude comments or even draw attention to himself. I mean, people looked over at him and did double takes at his stomach but other than that, he didn't make himself known. He just watched me dance with such an intense stare that I thought he might have come to stalk me just a little.
When the class was over, I wiped my face and arms of sweat and looked back over at Tannus. He was trying to get up with difficulty so I went over and helped him up.
"What are you doing here, Tannus?"
"I really had to speak with you but... seeing you dance like that made me even more aroused. I think I might have to take you..." he said softly, pushing me against the mirror wall.
I looked up at him and he looked so... calm. He reached over to the radio and hit play and a random song came on. He pulled back from me and held out his hand.
"Show me some moves, Delilah... Or are you afraid to dance with me?"
I looked at his hand and turned away.
"You don't want to dance with me. You never have."
Tannus grabbed my hand anyway and pulled me to him, me landing softly against his stomach.
"Damn this belly. I can't get closer to you."
"Are you sure you didn't eat a red jelly bean either?" I said, lifting an eyebrow at him.
"And if I did?"
I turned away from him and put my hands on his chest.
"Tannus, you've never wanted to dance with me." I said in all sincerity.
"Why do you keep saying that?" he asked and I could tell he was genuinely curious, oblivious to the past.
I pulled away from him altogether and shook my head.
"Never mind... what is that you wanted to tell me? And why didn't you meet me the other week?"
"The two are in one. I quit the company and I got evicted from my apartment so... yeah..."
"What? What do you mean?"
"Thomas told me that he wanted me to hit the road until the baby was born and then they'd put me back on. Thing was, I had to give them the baby as payment for letting me back in."
"What?! That's my baby! I made it!" I growled.
"Hey, I'm incubating it." He snapped.
"Which shouldn't have happened."
"But it did."
"Because you're a busy body."
"Because you didn't label it."
"Because you were snooping."
"You had it planned."
"Not for you."
"But it happened."
"It wasn't supposed to."
"But it did."
"Well I can't help that. Whatever the case, Tannus, it's still mine. It was my DNA that made it and yes, you are harboring it but I activated it... Wow... This could be a court trial one day. I might want to write that down and have people sign legal documents..."
"Focus, will ya? Anyhow, so if you need to get a hold of me then you'll have to meet up at Oliver's house because that's where me and Johnsie are crashing."
"You and Johnsie? I thought Oliver only had the one couch?"
"Well, Johnsie kinda of has to... um, but it's a long story. Once I have the baby I can get a job somewhere else and raise some money for another apartment. As for now, I'm homeless and jobless."
I don't know why but I suddenly found myself talking.
"You and Johnsie can stay with me if you want."

The minute the words left Delilah's lips, I blanched at her. My mouth fell open and my eyes went wide; full out surprise. The woman hated me (so much she wouldn't even give me a dance) and yet she offered her home to me? Me and Johnsie?
"Delilah, I wasn't asking for a favor. I was just telling you where I would be."
"I know that. But, I have a house that I inherited from my grandfather when I became twenty-one. Well, my grandma owned it and gave it to me. It's got three bedrooms, two bathrooms... I mean..."
"Why would you off me that?"
"Well I'm not a heartless bitch." She snapped a little more than she probably meant. "At least, not like everyone thinks. You're caring my child too; I have to make sure it's safe."
I nodded. "Yes..."
"Anyhow, if you want to you can. If you are, I need to know so I can clear out some stuff."
"I'll talk it over with Johnsie and give you a call."
"Yeah. Okay..."
I started walking out and then turned around.
"You know... you should show off your figure more. You've got a sexy one, why not use it?"
Delilah turned away and I thought she was ignoring me.
"Because no one cares."
I looked at her but she really was trying to ignore me now and so I sighed, letting her to whatever that meant.

Johnsie was eating my cookies when I got home and I snatched them from him.
"Hey! I was eating those!" he yelled.
"So was I. And now there are only six left..."
"Well, I haven't exactly eaten a decent three course meal."
I looked at the cookies and then handed them back begrudgingly, grabbing one at least.
"Did you get a hold of Delilah?"
"Yes and I made two very strange but interesting revelations."
"What was that?"
"One: Delilah is a belly dancing instructor."
"You're shitting me?" Johnsie said, his eyes wide. "Shy Delilah?"
"I'm telling you, I saw her body move in ways that I never dreamed of seeing them move. It was... regrettably arousing. I watched her class too and damn... that girl can be sexy when she wants to be."
"Aw, you like her."
"Shut it." Johnsie grinned. "The other is what she said to me after the class."
"A free show?"
"I won't tell you if you keep it up."
"She said that if we wanted, we could stay with her."
"This is the right Delilah, right? The one that hates your guts and made you pregnant with a jelly bean, right?"
"Yes." I hissed.
"I mean it's just that she hates your guts, Tannus. Everyone at the lab knew it and even you know it... Why would she offer up her house?"
"She said she has two bedrooms to spare and that this is her-" I gasped and my hands flew to my stomach.
"Are you alright?!"
"I... it moved..."
"Really? Can I touch?"
"No. Anyway, she said that this is her baby too and she should have some responsibility over it and make sure it's alright."
"Ah, it's a sense of duty."
"Well, at least she offered... Did you take it?"
"I told her I would ask you."
"Aw! Why are you leaving it up to me?!"
"I guess. Anything is better than the tile..." he mumbled, eating another cookie.
I nodded and went to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet seat and touched my stomach softly. Something rolled in there and I felt a smile tug at my lips.

Why in the world I asked if Tannus wanted to live with me along with his assistant that he seems to care for, I will never know. One minute I was hoping he would leave and then next I'm asking him to move in. How stupid could I have been? How stupid am I now? It never fails that if he tries anything nice I can't help myself and I just fall for that charm. I need to be strong because I can't let this happen again.
Maybe if I withdraw the offer...
The phone rang and I clicked the button.
"Hey, it's me, Tannus."

"How'd you get my number?"
"Oliver... Look, um, if the offer still stands we'd like to take you up on it."
No, sorry, I forgot that there's too many things stored in each room. "Sure, when will you be here? How much stuff are you bringing?" Doh!
"Uh... Well, is it fully furnished?"
"There's only one bed. But it's not safe... at least I wouldn't sleep on it."
"Well we have all of our stuff in storage. We'll help if you want."
"Do you think tonight would be too soon? Johnsie doesn't want to sleep on the tile."
"He can come if he likes but all I have is my room and the couch."
"Then I'll drop him off at your place and he can have the couch there. I can hang out at Oliver's until everything is done."
"It's up to you guys. I'll give you the address. It's a little off the beaten path but..."
I gave him the address and then hung up the phone, punching myself mentally for not being stronger. With him being here, things were going to be very awkward. At least having Johnsie will be easier than both right now. That also means I have to do some spring cleaning with those rooms...
Me and my big mouth...

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