14 - Slide Over Here

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For the past couple of weeks after the incident in the kitchen, Tannus has done everything in his power to keep away from me. In the mean time Johnsie and I moved all of his stuff in. It was kind of angering on Tannus' part since he wasn't very subtle about trying to get away from me and I found the blatant standoffish nature annoying.


"This is good." Johnsie said as he sipped on the long island ice tea I made for us.
I didn't have beer in the house since I didn't drink them much but Johnsie thought we needed a break. Tannus was feeling nauseous and had decided to take a nap.
"So, what were you two talking about in the kitchen the other day?" he asked with a grin.
I made a face. "Johnsie, I know you overheard everything,"
"Not everything... Did he talk about his nosecomephobia?"
"Some..." I watched Johnsie for a moment. "John, are you drunk?"
He gave me a lazy grin.
"Tipsy; I love alcohol but I'm a lightweight..." he slurred a little.
I frowned at him.
"You don't go out drinking?"
"Can't do that, silly..." he said as he cracked himself up with his choice of words toward me.
I just sighed, taking the rest of the drink from him.
"I do believe you've had enough, John."
He nodded and then laid his head on the bar and looked up at me.
"Hey what's your beef with Tannus? You act like you ate him he's a really great guy, ya know?"
As much as I wish Johnsie was wrong, I had admit that Tannus was as big of a dick as I had thought him. Even though he had his flaws, he could be sweet when he wanted to be and was quick to take up responsibility for things. The way he sacrificed for our child for one... I couldn't deny that Tannus was good.
"I really don't know why." I told the half awake boy.
And that was sadly the truth.


With Johnsie snoring contently at the bar, I decided to finish pushing the rest of Tannus' stuff into his room. I pushed a box into Tannus' room and it made a swooshing sound as it went across the floor. I stood up and wiped my hands on my jeans and looked over at Tannus. I walked over to him and watched him sleep for a moment. He looked so serene lying there, his arm draped lightly over his exposed and bare stomach.
I watched for a moment and a ripple waved over his stomach. I stared, fascinated and filled with joy. Our daughter was in there... I reached out and touched his belly and she gave a mighty kick. I smiled wide and I would have missed Tannus saring at me if I hadn't turned at that moment.
"What are you doing, Delilah?" he asked softly.
"Urg... Just saying hello?"
He made an effort to sit up and looked at his stomach.
"Don't touch my stomach unless you ask."
"Yeah well, it's rude." he snapped, covering his stomach with the blanket.
"I don't see what the problem is. I've done plenty of check ups on you so what's the difference?"
"It's just personal, okay?"
I put my hands on my hips.
"I have every right to touch your stomach. As heartless as it seems, that baby is not just my daughter but my experiment. I have a right to touch, poke, or prod you anyway and anyhow I please."
Tannus' brown eyes widened a little and then an amused smirk touched his lips.
"Is that a threat?" he asked, his eyes never leaving mine.
He grinned and grabbed my wrist, pulling me to him.
"Then pray tell, woman, you can touch me and poke me and prod me anytime."
I scoffed and tried to keep from melting from the husky, raw emotion that was dripping from his words.
"You're a pervert,Tannus."
"Hmmm," he hummed as if it were sweet words.
"Can you please let go of me?"
"Why? Do you despise me so much that you dont want to be with me? "
"No... You're hand is hurting me."
He looked at my wrist and let go finally. I straightened and almost tripped over the box I brought in.
"I have to... Uh... Yeah..."
I got out of there as quick as I could.


What is going on with me? First the whole fate thing and now a sexual innuendo so hard core I almost had my own reaction to it. Now that would have been so horrible. Maybe I did accidentally eat one of those red jelly beans she was talking about to me. She said something about them making me feel lustful or whatever. But I thought her DNA had to be in it? Ugh!!! What the hell was going on?
I put my arm over my eyes in confusion and embarrassment at my outright sexual attack. I mean jeez... Though I have to admit that was a pretty good twist of words... I grinned to myself at being able to manipulate her common words to my own personal gain.

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