4 - Candy Makes You Fat

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Delilah drove me to the doctor's office and it took me all I could muster not to vomit in her car from the ride. It was odd that the woman was taking care of me since she hated me so much, or so she's told me. I always hated that she just blurted out how much she hated me and didn't take into my feelings. No one wants to hear that they are hated, no matter if they deserve it or not.
We pulled into the doctor's office and she opened the car door, leading me inside. It didn't take long for me to get in since the office was empty. I was led into the back and I sat on the bed with a migraine from hell. Actually, I almost toppled over from the bed because it made me so weak. The doctor came in and made his introductions, sticking a thermometer in my mouth first thing and taking out a blood pressure gauge. He stuck the Velcro strap around my arm and pumped it up to get my blood pressure reading.
As he pumped it up, he pulled out the thermometer.
"101.7º..." He released the air in the blood pressure gauge. "Looks like your blood pressure is a bit low. It says that you're experiencing loss of appetite, fatigue, dizziness, and vomiting... but you're also experiencing weight gain?"
"Have you weighted yourself before coming here?"
"Well, doc, I'll just say that your scale is saying that I'm about ten pounds over my normal weight. Plus, I feel a little bloated."
The doctor nodded. "Lay back for me and let me feel around your midsection."
I did as told and I felt him poke and prod around my stomach. He got a strange look on his face that I wasn't too thrilled to see.
"There is a hardness in your lower abdomen... I'm going to send you to the hospital for further procedures. We need to see what that is. I'll set up an appointment with the sonographer tomorrow, if that's alright with you?" I nodded. "Could be nothing but we can never be too sure until we check."
He gave me the rest of the exam and then gave me a prescription for iron pills.
I walked out and Delilah looked up from her magazine.
"He says that there is a hardness in my lower abdomen."
"I see... May I come with you?"
I glared at her. "Why?"
"I have a theory and if I'm right then I have some explaining to do."
"That sounds ominous."
"I'm serious."
"Are you hungry?"
"Not really... you'd treat me to lunch?"
"Who said I was treating you?"
"The one who took me out of my house in just my boxers and a shirt and the blanket." I said, pointing.
"Not my fault you were being a baby."
I rolled my eyes but we went to the car and she drove me back home. As she helped me into the house and sat me down on the couch. As she left she turned back from the door.
"Be careful."
I gave her a look and she left. I decided that I wasn't going to let her come with me to the hospital tomorrow. I would go there myself, if I had to crawl.

I felt like an old man when I went in the hospital the next day, hacking and swaying but I took a cab over here. The least that could happen would be some help but everyone just stared at me and I asked the woman where the sonography room was. I was directed there and awaited my fate.

That big fat asshole! He didn't call me to go to the hospital! And I know he was supposed to go around 11:30 or so because I sneaked a peek at the prescription paper. I growled audibly and Rose turned around.
"Dr. Manchester? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine... just angry that I was pushed aside by that jackass."
"Um... are you talking about Dr. Bracken?"
"Don't give a title like that to that louse-"
"WOMAN WE NEED TO SPEAK!!!!" an angry voice yelled through the halls.
I gulped and braced for the door to slam open and right on cue, it did.
"I need to have a couple words with you Dr. Manchester!" Tannus yelled, grabbing my arm and pulling me harshly out the door.
He led me down the pathway toward the recreational area where some of the staff eats their lunch and I tried to think of something quickly for what I knew was to come.
Tannus opened the door and threw me in front of him, slamming the door behind him.
"Start talking, wench! What the hell did you do to me?!"
"Well, if you recall, you were the one that decided to eat my stuff..."
"Don't screw around with me, Delilah. Explain..."
"Explain what?"
"Explain why the sonographer passed out on the floor because she found a baby growing inside of me!"
"Don't 'oh' me! What the heck did I eat?!"
I sighed and thought for a minute on how I was going to explain it to him.
"Okay... so, you know how we've been having a time with the reproduction in this town? Well, I was told to try and develop something to help. I decided to try and make different things... well, that jelly bean enables pregnancy."
"Yes... it's supposed to be for women and it wasn't supposed to be for you. In all honesty, it was a fluke accident that you ate the only two purple ones that I had completed. I didn't know it would work both ways..."
"The formula is made up of many things with a secret ingredient. The ingredient takes the DNA from the man (normally) and makes a fertile sperm and it goes to the egg and makes a baby. I injected those jelly beans with my DNA for testing and you just happened to eat the purple ones, which enduce pregnancy."
"And what if I had eaten the others?!"
"You would either be madly in love with me, really horny, or the need ejaculate. Since that's not the case..."
"How did this happen?!"
"All I can tell is that because my DNA was in it, instead of making a sperm it made an egg... or something. I'm just as surprised as you are."
"And what the hell am I supposed to do!?"
"Whatever you want. It's your choice on what you want to do." I said, turning away.
Tannus grabbed my arm tightly.
"I want you to fix it!"
"I can't. You're on your own now... That's what you get for messing with other people's stuff!"
Tannus opened his mouth and then closed it, closing his eyes as well. His face went pale and I could tell he was about ot throw up but he held it in because he breathed in deeply and the looked me right in the eyes.
"Delilah, why was your DNA in that jelly bean if it's mostly used for men? If you didn't know, then why was it there?"
I turned away from him but then I sighed and looked at the ground.
"I was going to use it for revenge on someone. I didn't know if it actually worked but I was going to try it anyway. Then you came and screwed it up, you dolt! So whatever happens is on your own time now."
"Delilah..." he said so softly that I looked up at him and I saw a look I'd never seen on his face.
"Will I die from this?"
"You shouldn't... I think the growth rate is still correct."
"Huh? You changed it?"
"No, it got tweaked somehow... but don't worry."
"I'm a pregnant dude, and I'm not supposed to worry? Great just wonderful, Delilah..." He suddenly looked over at the door and I turned to. "You got a problem, bub?!"
The guy ran off and I smacked Tannus in the arm.
"You idiot! He heard you!"
"Well that's your problem for leaving out tasty snacks."
He tromped off and I growled, putting my head in my hands. Out of all the things that could have happened, it ended up in Tannus Bracken's hands and, if nothing else, it's my kid too because it has my DNA.
Leave it to Tannus to make me feel violated and take away the joy of pregnancy without even having sex with me. Men are jerks.

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