19 - Ground Zero

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It's been months since Tannus was in the hospital and Delilah left without allowing for an explanation. I was in contact with Rose a lot and she had said that she was still working on the project from a remote place, sending in her reports and things from fake email addresses and fake real addresses. She said that she fixed a lot of bugs that were going on with the growth process and that she needed to fix one last thing and then both pregnancy jelly beans would be in full working order and warning labels for the two all ready to make.
Rose was trying to help me figure out what the heck happened between Tannus and Delilah that would have caused such a weird reaction on Delilah's part.


"Do you remember anything that she said when she left? Anything that could clue us in?"
"Nothing unusual... though she did say something to effect of it happening before. That he hated her... I guess that could be a start."
"Well, I remember her telling me that they used to go to high school together. You should look and see if you can find Tannus' high school yearbooks. Since Delilah didn't take all of her stuff, I can help you look for hers too... How is Tannus, by the way?"
I sighed, running my fingers through my newly cut hair and looked at Tannus as he scribbled something on a piece of paper.
"He's alright, I guess, but his temper is off the charts. I have to walk on eggshells all the time when I talk to him. I never know what might trigger him to think of Delilah and so subjects are touchy. So touchy that we hardly talk. It's awkward at dinner."
"I'm sorry, Johnsie..." Rose said and I heard the genuine sympathy in her voice. "Well, the good news is that the flux capacitor you guys worked on is about to used so you'll be getting the money for using it in no time."
"Yeah, that is a good thing because Tannus has no intention of going back to the labs. He was really pissed off at Thomas for saying what he did about the baby and everything and then with Delilah gone... He's pursuing a career he has always wanted to try."
"What would that be?"
"Ironically, massaging. I asked him why and he said that it seemed like a good idea at the time."
"That's abrupt."
"Well he also said he doesn't mind the pay, even though it's way lower than before. Luckily I still work at the labs or we wouldn't have enough to pay for Delilah's house."
"He doesn't want to move?"
"I've asked him and he just doesn't. If nothing else, the house he hasn't complained about. But I think he hopes that Delilah will come back and he wants it to still be inhabited. I don't know..."
"It's really sad in a way."
"Yeah... I'll try and look for that yearbook and everything. I'll probably see you in the week, I have to go up to the labs anyway."
"Alright. Good luck..."
We hung up and I walked into Tannus' room as he erased something and scratched his head.
"Hey, Tan, you hungry?"
"No, I'm good thanks."
"What you working on?"
"Anatomy... I think I should have just taken the classes at the school. I wouldn't be so distracted by stuff..."
"Are you sure this is really what you want to do? I mean, you're really good at math and stuff so why don't you become an engineer?" Tannus' head shot up and he gave me the most horrific glare I had ever seen. "Um... or not?"
His nostrils flared but he went back to doing what he was doing. I breathed in and marked 'engineering' on my list of things that triggered Tannus' anger. I also knew I had to cross a bridge that would guarantee wrath but it had to be said. I decided to say it fast and maybe he wouldn't catch it all.
"What?" he asked, confusion instead of anger on his face.
"Uh... I don't want to say it again."
"You'll get mad."
"It's about the um... flux capacitor."
His eyes narrowed but he sat back in his chair.
"Oh. What about it?"
"Rose called and said that they are going to be using it and that we'll be getting the money from it soon. So..."
"Ah. Good."
I knew I was treading on harsh territory but I had to tell him what I thought. Things just couldn't be like this anymore.
"Tannus, I need to talk to you."
"I mean, really... I..."
Tannus looked back up and me and set his pencil down to show I had his full attention.
"It's getting hard to talk with you. I can't say anything because I'm afraid it will set you off."
"Set me off?"
"Yes. I can't mention things or you get really pissed. Like the labs or what happened in the hospital, the baby, jelly beans, eggs and bacon, the flux capacitor and don't even think about letting me say her name. Tannus, you have to talk to me! I'm worried about you! I'm..."
"You're what?" he said, his eyes dangerous.
"I'm scared of you."
His eyes widened and he looked away.
"Are you?"
"This is what happened with my dad. My mom left and I mean, I was young so I would ask where she was and then he would beat me. You're the only type of family I have and if you... if you turn out like that..."
"I won't hurt you, Johnsie. I can guarantee you that."
I shook my head. "I can't trust that. I don't know what to do anymore! I can't talk to you without fear anymore!"
Tannus stood up and I flinched, waiting for that hit. But I felt a hand touch me on the shoulder and then his other hand. I opened my eyes and he pulled me to him in a hug.
"I will never hurt you. No matter how mad I get."
I hesitated but put my hands on his back, returning the hug.
"Okay... I believe you."

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