11 - Deep Blue Secret

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The whole weekend was dedicated to spring cleaning in the two back rooms of my house where Johnsie and Tannus were going to be staying. Johnsie helped me a lot to get all the big things out, of course he had something to say about them all. I'm a packrat, what can I do?

"Really, Delilah, you've got some ancient stuff in here. I mean, you have a whole lab practically." He said after he moved a box of test tubes into the living room.
"Well, they had a day at the lab and I took what I wanted. Nobody was using it..."
"This is probably why they have a shortage now." He said, wiping his forehead.
I smiled and he helped me move a desk that I had in the room.
"So, why is Tannus taking care of you? I mean, can't you afford your own apartment?"
"Yeah but Tannus let me stay at his place for free and I always paid half the rent. We had a mutual understanding."
"How did you two meet?" I asked with a grunt as we set the desk down.
"Science fair...He was a judge and liked my work. He asked if I had a scholarship or anything and I told him that we didn't have enough money for that sort of stuff or applying for it. I told him I wasn't going to be going to college anyway and we just kind of got into discussion. I didn't know the guy from Adam and yet he was willing to talk with me and give me a sense of purpose."
"You had problems at home?" I asked, pointing to my eye to indicate the black eye on him.
Johnsie seemed to freeze up and I cleared my throat.
"Uh, right, let me just got get the vacuum and I'll get all that dusk out of there."
I went to the closet and plugged it in, scooting it across the floor of the room and using the attachments to get the corners and everything. I hated to see what the second room looked like since it was supposed to be my workout room.
"Do you want this room?" I asked him.
"That's fine... Um... How did you know?"
"Know what?" I asked, dusting off the blinds.
"That I had bad family life?"
"I didn't. I guessed. Tannus wouldn't have taken you in for any other reason... unless there is something I'm missing?" I said with a frown.
Johnsie laughed. "No, he's not gay. Believe me..."
"Also because of the way that you talk about him. Like a son does his father. He must have been there for you a lot."
"It was the weirdest thing. I just talked and talked with him that day and unlike the counselors, he actually looked like he listened. I wasn't making up bullshit when I said my old man hit me and he didn't give me a look as if I should have been strong enough to defend myself. I didn't want pity, but I didn't want resentment either. He just listened... I don't know what made me trust him but he gave me his number and told me that if I ever had a problem to call.
"About a month or so later, my old man went off on me horribly and I landed in the hospital. I actually won the school science fair and it went to the district fair. I won second place and Tannus was a judge for that too. When he didn't see me, he found out where I was and offered to open his home to me if I ever needed it. I mean, he was a real strange one. What guy gives his number and address to a distressed teen? I mean, I could have broken into his house and stolen all his stuff if I was the type, ya know?"
"But he trusted me implicitly. It was like he could see where I was going and was giving me the choice: live with my father and become a statistic and/or get in serious trouble or I could get some help from him and he could give me something I would be proud of. After I got out of the hospital, I went to my house to get my clothes and pack up to go to Tannus' apartment and was hurt again by my dad. I showed up on Tannus' doorstep with a bloody lip and a backpack full of random clothes..." he ended with a shrug.
"That's an amazing story. I never would have expected Tannus to do that sort of thing."
"Ironically, he's a really great guy. Not that I'm trying to say something..." he said with a sheepish look.
I smiled. "I know. I have to go into work in a little bit so I'll leave your room set up to yourself. All I ask is not to take that picture off the wall in there. It was one my grandfather painted and my grandmother doesn't want to take it off."
"Sure. Can I move it around in the room?"
"I don't see why not..."
I went to my room and started to get dressed.

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