Regret message

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(Don't listen to the song until I tell you to!)

Third POV

A girl with red twin tails and a black, white and red school uniform was walking past Sakura while she was writing in her diary, in front of Yukizumi's restaurant, spoonful of sugar.

"I have strep." Sakura said, not bothering to stop writing.

Usami turned her head.

"What made you think I was her for you, you self-righteous vampire queen? I could literally be doing anything else with my time." She said and Sakura stopped writing.

"Hmm..... What would draw me to a conclusion such as that? When the majority of the group resisted, you were asking me multiple times asking me to commit murder. Now that a few have been killed off already, things once again drift into this silent period, where everyone attempts to make themselves secure while also wondering who will draw the axe on who next." Sakura stated, looking Usami dead in the eye.

"You're not narcoleptic, are you?" She asked, sitting down on the fence next to her. "You just closed your eyes so you wouldn't have to deal with this situation at hand." She continued.

"I'm only a saint in the making." Sakura said, looking bored.

"That's great, now kill someone." Usami said making the white haired girl groan in annoyment.

"Isn't there someone here that's bothering you, I mean, at all, remember it's all "legal" here." Usami continued.

"Oh and you make it sound so interesting, perhaps I shall."

"Now that's more like it!" Usami encouraged.

"Let's see.... How should I kill you." Sakura continued.

"No, killing the principal is against the rules."

"You don't say. That's quite a shame considering your popularity. I'm sure the whole class would spiral into despair discovering your lifeless body."

"Why are you so sucked in with killing me? You missed your chance to kill Besha and that cry baby Kofcu."

"Let's see, I suppose the annoyance in their presence was there but I just felt indifferent twords them. That or I was to lazy to do anything about it."

"Okay then, maybe you need some assistance." Usami said while Sakura stared. "How about..... Kona. Look at her being the leader of everything. Couldn't you beat her mercilessly with a wrench, a hammer? Don't forget the cash prize. Enough to be living like royalty." Usami tempted her.

"Cash prize." she repeated. "Royalty."


"I'm afraid I sprained my stabbing hand," Sakura said, showing her right hand. "which is also the one I use to beat someone to death with."

"You wanna be like that, fine! Also, you told me the other one was sprained last time so keep track or don't bother, ultimate violinist!" She said and left.

Sakura gave a small chuckle.

"People are easily fooled." she said. " But I wonder what her next move will be." And then she looked up to stare at the moon with the blinking stars.

Ranko POV

I appeared right after Usami left.

"She really has no clue, does she?" I asked and Sakura shook her head.

All of a sudden I heard whispering.

"I wonder what all that sound is." I said while Sakura pulled something out.

"What's that?" I asked, interested​.

"A b-daman."

"What b-animal are you going to put inside?" But she just continued to stare at the moon when I realized.

"Why's there a phoenix on the moon?" I asked but never got a replie.

Sakura clutched her white dragon pendent.

(Now you can listen to the song)

On a small little shore
Where the giant big waves roar
I walk there alone
My feet cold and sore
There's a secret I know from a long long time ago
About this sea of woe

Write your wish on a paper
And fold it in half in a
Little  bottle it goes
Give it to the sea and someday you will see
Your dream will bloom like a rose

Float away with the sea
Glass bottle full dreams
In the dark of the night
Bring a faint white gleam
Towards the break of the sky of the sky
Along with the waves
Silently fading away

Then, Sakura's right eye turned into the eye of Spike Phoenix's. 

You were always there for me
No matter how absurd my pleas
You've given me your all but I didn't see
I was spoilt
I was never glad
Never happy with what I had
I wonder if you've eve gotten mad?

Now I am alone with no one else to hold
Far away from the world i once knew
You're not here with me so I'll leave it to the sea
To tell you how much I miss you

Float away with the sea
Tears full of regret
Looking down I only see my own silhouette
Why do we only realize our sin
When everything has come to an end?

Then, her eye turned back to black.

Float away with the sea
Glass bottle full of dreams
In the dark of the night
Bring a faint white gleam
Towards the break of the sky
Along with the waves 
Silently fading away

Then, her eye turned white.

Float away with the sea
Tears full of regret
Looking down I only see my own silhouette

"Somehow in our next life,
If we ever meet again
Let us play together once more
And be the best of friends"


Third POV

Samuru was explaining to everyone how he knew Sakura, leaving everyone shocked.

"So that's why you acted like that." Riki said and Samuru nodded.

"What does her changing eyes color do." Iboiki asked.

"Well, if you're talking about what happen just now. It makes her able to feel and see the same thing that the owner of the eyes see and feel." (That was very detailed) Samuru said.

"Wait. Phoenix isn't spoiled! He literally saved the world! How is that spoiled!?!" Akane screeched.

"Keep it down, sis." Jenta said covering his ears.

Samuru leaned against the wall. "Look, how am I suppose to know this?"

"Well.... I say we need to do some spying." Rayco said.

"What?" Samuru asked.

"We aren't going to find anything out like this, right?" Iboiki asked.

"Yeah..... But.."

"So you're our spy! You got that." Iboiki finished.


"Come on!" Yomi said, getting impatient.

"Quit being stubborn, Yomi." Komata said.

"Guys, calm down." Crona said. "Just give it a try, okay Samuru?"

"Ugh, fine! But don't blame me if something goes wrong!"

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