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Luna POV  (she knows who she is)

I was talking with my friend, Sakura, at the beach. I haven't seen her in a while so..... Yay! I got to see her!

I was laying on her lap because I didn't feel like laying on rocks! That would hurt! (I don't know about you guys but the beaches I've been to have rocks on the ground so just go with it) And if you're asking why I didn't bring a towel or something it's because I didn't feel like it!

"Hey, Kura." I said.


"Do you think we'll see Samuru again?" I asked.

"He's here." She said madder-a-factly, I don't think I said that right.

"WAIT WHAT!" I said, getting up. "Ow... Note to self don't do that. BUT WHAT!"

She giggled at me and I laughed at myself.

(This is the part where Kamon and the others heard the laughing, okay continue Luna)

"Okay, seriously he's here?" I asked.

"Yes, you didn't know that."

"Yeah I totally kne- OF COURSE I DIDN'T KNOW!!!" I said, well, more like yelled.

"You're getting overly angry about this." Kura said.

"Okay how can you even see?" I asked since she has her hair covering both of her eyes, yeah, sometimes she has both her eyes covered and sometimes she has just her left eye covered.

"I don't need to see to tell if you're angry." She said but she does have a point.

(This is the time when I realized that I made Luna into Gauruburn. Sorry)

Samuru POV

Sumi went to look out the window and she sighed in relief.

"It's just Sakura with a friend." She said. Wait, a friend? Could it be....

"That's probably her friend, Luna." Yukizumi said. I knew it!

"Anyways," Aru said. "I don't think anyone knows this Kuguya person."

"Wait," Yuki said. "Samuru do you remember a girl named Uzaru?"

"Now that you mention it, I do remember a girl named Uzaru." I said.
"And she said she was known as the ultimate b-shot!"

"That's right, try searching the name Uzaru up Crona." Rory said.

"I did, still nothing."

Something's not right here...

Third POV

A girl with shoulder length brown hair with aqua eyes was walking twords Sakura and the others, planning to scare the two.

"Boo!!" The girl cried.

"Nice try, Zana." Luna said.

"Awe man, oh well." Zana said shrugging the whole thing off.

"So..... What are you guys doing here?" Zana asked.

"Chilling." Luna said, laying on Sakura's lap and Sakura was laying on rocks.

"Not exactly the anwser I was expecting but okay. What about you Akura? And since when do you lye on rocks and it doesn't hurt?" Zana said, sarcastically.

"Very funny, Nàng tiên. Also, you know that Yukizumi, Aru, and I come here every year." Sakura replied to Zana.

"You realize we can't understand that language, right?" Luna said.

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