New b-daman tournament?!

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That's what was written in an email sent to Samuru, Novu, Basara, Riki, Kamon, Jenta, Bakuga, Luna, and Zana.

But the question remained:

Should we really go?


"Are we going or......" Kamon let the words linger.

"I don't know," Jenta began, "It's just...." He stopped not bothering to finish his sentence. Everyone already knew exactly what he meant.

Riki stood up from the bench he was sitting on. The eight of them decided to go chat about the message at a nearby park. Yes, eight, Basara was god knows where. Riki's eyes stared straight into the sky, opening his mouth to say something when.....

"Why don't we take sometime out on our own?" Novu suggested, eyeing all of them. "We all need sometime to sort everything out."

"Yeah," Zana agreed as Samuru turned away from them, hands in his pockets.

"But what difference does it make?"

Everyone's eyes darted to the navy haired boy.

"It doesn't matter if we go or not, the road fight rules still exist. We can't exactly go to this tournament and act like absolutely nothing happened."

"Samuru....." Luna whispered softly.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm out," And with that he was off.

"Let's just think about it, alright?" Kamon turned to his friends.

"Yeah," They agreed. Then, they all turned their sperate ways. Only Riki stood there, alone. He had left Dracyon at Aona's restaurant, so he stood there staring at the sky in solitude.


"Novu, Basara, Samuru, Riki, Kamon, Jenta, Bakuga, Luna, and Zana?"

"Yeah, they're going to be the representatives of Crestland. That is, if they come."

"Hmm, I wonder....... What will Dia and Kanan do.....?"


"Hey, Riki?"

The blue haired boy turned around to see who had called his name. Sakura stood a few feet away from him with a smile plastered on her face.

"What are you doing here alone?" she said gently.

"Um, just getting some fresh air," he lied, his gave averted to his toes.

"You're a terrible lier," Sakura gave a short response. "So..... Spill." she demanded.

"Huh....." he sighed reluctantly (is that the right word? Eh, I don't really care at this point. School's out so.... Yeah.) "Fine!"

Time skip because y'all already know what's going on so I ain't explaining!

"Ah, so that's it," Sakura closed her eyes and let out a sigh. "Samuru kinda tolded me about that."

"He tells you everything, doesn't he?"

Sakura smiled, "Yeah, I guess he does," She looked down at her lap. "I'm glad he had a friend like you."

"What does that mean?" Riki asked, curiosity taking hold of him.

The white haired girl shook her head, "N-never mind that," she stuttered, "are you going to go to the-"

"No." came a cold replie.

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