The New Kid

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Sabrina's POV
"SABRINA WAKE UP!" Riley yells jumping on top of me. "What is it R?" I say very confused. "You have school!" Oh shit. I forgot about school. I am a freshman in college, and I completely forgot that it's now the second semester. I go to UCLA, and it is only for one reason: I didn't want to leave home. All my friends went to different places- Hopkins, Juliard, Yale- but not me. And I'm okay with it. I rush into the bathroom with my clothes and quickly put them on. I decided to wear high waisted shorts, a black Nirvana t-shirt, and my vans. I quickly brush my teeth and hair, and bring my mascara in the car with me. "Bye mom!" I yell as a grab a protein bar and walk out the door. I hop in my new car and drive to school.

Jonah's POV
"Bye sweetie have fun on your first day of school." "Bye mom" I answer as I walk out the door. It's my first day of college in LA, and to be honest, I'm really scared. I won't know anyone and I don't expect anyone to know me. As I walk out, I see a girl getting into a car. She lives in the house right next to me so obviously we are neighbors. I notice she is wearing a Nirvana shirt, and I look down at my own shirt. I'm wearing the same exact one. "Should I change?" I ask myself. "Ehh" I shrug my shoulders and get in my car.

Sabrina's POV
I pull up to UCLA and park in the same spot I did last semester. I get out of the car and take only 2 steps before someone yells "SABRINA!" "AHH!" I scream getting frightened. "Oh my gosh that was so funny!" Lauren says as she gives me a hug. Lauren is my best friend. I met her in middle school, but we went to separate high schools. When I found out she was also coming to UCLA, I got so excited. "Hey Lauren," I say hugging her back. "Why do you always have to scare me! Geez!" We walked to class and got into first period together just as the bell rang. First period was writing, and I only liked it for one reason. Mr. Flip. He was the funniest teacher on the face of the earth, and he let us do whatever we wanted when we weren't writing. Today we had a writing assignment, and it was supposed to take us the whole class period. As soon as we got out papers, Mr. Flip told us not to start yet, which was odd because usually he would tell us to start right away. "Before you start your assignment," started Mr Flip, "I would like to introduce our new student." New student? If we were having a new student I would have known about it by now. I know about EVERY new person in the school and when they start class. I didn't know about- wait a minute, I know a new kid. Is he... my neighbor?

Jonah's POV
I'm getting really nervous as I walk towards my class, not knowing why because I'm not shy in front of people. As I walk in, I feel all eyes turn to me. "This is our new student, Jonah."

Sabrina's POV
"This is our new student, Jonah." Announces Mr. Flip. Jonah. So that's his name? I kinda like it. The only open seat left in the room is next to me. As he walks closer to me, I can see him more and more clearly. WOW...He's so...perfect.

Jonah's POV
As I walk to the open desk, I see a familiar face. It's that girl I saw this morning. I couldn't see her that well before but I'm glad I can now. She's beautiful.

Thanks for reading! Let me know if you want any certain chapters to be about certain things. Leave a comment!

The New Boy / Jonah Maraisحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن