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Jonah's POV
I was at Sabrina's house, working on the project that Mr. Flip assigned. "What do you want our project to be about?" She asks me. "What about..." My memory flashed back to last weekend. The weekend Sabrina almost died. "How about we make a timeline of the things we did together." She suggests. "I like it." I answer, snapping out of my thoughts. We work on the project for about an hour, and manage to get half way through it. "This looks awesome so far." She tells me. "Yeah. It does." I say as a smile forms on my face. "Finish tomorrow?" I ask. "Yeah, sure." I get up, grab my backpack, and head downstairs. "See you tomorrow!" I tell her. She waves to me.

*Time skip to the next day*

After the last bell rings, I meet Sabrina in the parking lot. We both get in my car. "How was your day?" She asks. "Pretty good. You?" "The same as always." She sighs. We get to her house, and we head up to her room to finish the project. We finish up the main parts of the timeline, and we looks at our work. We give each other a high five. "What do you think?" She asks me. "I think I should take it home, and put on the finishing touches so it's perfect." "Okay." She smiles. She is so beautiful. I take the project, and head home. The project was due tomorrow, so I would have to finish it tonight. I work on the project the rest of the day, and by the time I finish it, it is already 12am. I put it in my backpack, and go to bed.

The next morning, I head over to Sabrina's house to see if she's ready for school. I knock on the door, and she comes out. She looks even more beautiful than yesterday. "Ready?" I ask her. She nods. We get in the car, and drive to school. We get into Mr. Flips class, and before I sit down in my seat, I go up to a girl in the front of the class. "When I snap, I want you to take a picture of the front of the room." She nodded, looking confused. I look over at Sabrina, and see that she was taking to a girl, also in the front row. She must be a friend. Mr. Flip started talking, and I took my seat. After a few minutes of him talking about things that nobody cared about, a note falls on my desk. I open it. It's says, 'are you nervous? I am.' I smile at the note, and look her way. I see the fear in her eyes. I nod in her direction. I was nervous. 100% more than she was. Our names were finally called to present the project. I handed it to Mr. Flip, and he displays it on the projector, so our backs are to it. We look at each other, and she starts to speak. "So, Jonah and I decided to do a timeline of the things we did together since we met." I smile as I remember all the memories. "The first picture," she continued, "is the first day we met." I took a deep breath, and started talking. "She asked me for my number, and I sent her this picture of me." We both laugh. "The next one is a picture of us when she first met my band. We were heading to the beach, and we took a group photo in my car." I look at her and smile. She smiles back, showing her perfect, white teeth. "So," Sabrina says. "This next picture is the same day, while we were at the beach." My head drops a little. "I almost drowned at the beach because I was knocked out by a wave. This is a picture of Jonah and I after he saved me. We didn't even know we had this picture, because it was taken by Jonah's band mate, Zach." That's wrong. I thought. I didn't save her. The lifeguard did. We continued the project, and it was my turn to speak. "This next picture is us at our first party together." While Sabrina was drunk that night, she took a bunch of selfies of us, which I thought were hilarious. I obviously wasn't going to say that she was drunk though. "This was the day that we became really close." We once again looked at each other and smiled. "Okay," Sabrina started. "That's it for our-" She was cut off my Mr. Flip. "Sabrina, there seems to be another part of your timeline without a picture." She looked at me confused, then looked at the timeline. "Your right, Mr. Flip." I said. Sabrina looked at me. "I added this to the timeline, but I don't have a picture of it." "What are you talking about?" She asked. "This is a very important part of the timeline, because it was when I asked you to be my girlfriend." I said, taking both of her hands into mine. I then snapped, and the girl in the front row took a picture, just like I asked. I took the phone, and displayed it on the projector for the whole class to see. "This is the picture from when I asked her out." I announced. Sabrina stared at me as if she was expecting it. "And this is a picture from when I said yes." She snapped her fingers, and a the girl that Sabrina was talking to in the beginning of class took a picture of us. I smiled, and hugged her as tight as I could. We then kissed, right there, in front of the whole class. They all started to cheer and clap. We both blushed and sat down. "Thank you, Sabrina and Jonah. That was absolutely magnificent." Mr. Flip said with a huge grin. Could today get any better? The answer was no.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been super busy lately. I am planning on finishing up the story, so there will be one or two more chapters. I'm going to start a new fan fiction about the Dolan Twins. I will let you guys know the details and what it will be called at the end of this story. I am taking requests if anybody wants to be included in the last chapters of the story, so please make sure to comment. Thank you❤️

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