Friends or More?

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Jonah's POV
As I sit down next to this girl, I notice that she is no longer looking at her paper. She is looking straight into my eyes. I don't understand why though, because how could an amazing girl like this have feelings for a guy like me? Our eye contact is quickly broken by Mr. Flip handing me the writing assignment that the rest of the class was working on. "Great," I mutter under my breath. "The first day of college and I already have a writing assignment." Lucky for me, I'm a very good writer, and I can quickly breeze through this paper. As I wrote the last sentence of my paper, I give myself an imaginary pat on the back, thinking that I was the first one to finish. When I got up to hand it in, I realize that the girl next to me already handed her's in. When I get back to my seat, I was about to start a conversation with this girl, but she was the first one to speak. The first thing she said to me was, "I like your shirt." "" I say trying to sound the slightest bit calm, but it was obviously not working. "I like yours too." I manage to say back. Wow Jonah. Great way to make a first impression. "Are you the new kid that moved in next door to me?" She asks. "Uh...yeah...that's me" I stutter. "Do I make you nervous?" She asks more in curiosity than flirtatiousness. Did she really just ask me that? I thought this was already awkward. "" Is all I could say. I might as well be honest to the first person in LA that I've ever talked to.

Sabrina's POV
"Do I make you nervous?" I ask Jonah. What's wrong with me? I can obviously tell he is really nervous, so why would I make it even harder for him? "" he replies. I was pretty surprised that he was honest with me, considering we just met and he didn't even know my name. That lead to the next topic. "What's your name?" He asks me, recovering from his minor nervous breakdown. "Sabrina." I answer.
"Hi Sabrina. I'm Jonah."

"I know."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah... is that weird?"

"No. I'm just surprised that you already know who I am."

"Mr. Flip just introduced you"

"Oh yeah, I forgot."

We both laugh. This is going pretty well.

Jonah's POV
"What's your name?" I ask the girl, trying to make things less awkward. "Sabrina," she replies. Sabrina. Wow. What a pretty name. Sabrina and I start a conversation, but it is quickly interrupted by the bell. I get up, and she follows me. "It was nice talking to you." I tell Sabrina. "Yeah, I really start to see a friendship forming." That is what I liked about Sabrina. She was not afraid to address things and say what was on her mind. That is one thing about her I learned really quickly. "Hey, one more thing." She says as I start to turn around. "Yeah?" I say slightly confused. "Is there any chance...I could...maybe...sorta...kinda... get your number?" WHAT?? My brain screams. I JUST MET THIS GIRL AND SHE ALREADY WANTS MY NUMBER? I must be doing something right to get this girl to like me. I try to calm my brain down and respond as if it is no big deal. "Yeah sure, I guess." I give her my number, and we both walk our separate ways to get to second period.

I know this chapter was uneventful but I promise that the next one will be better :)

The New Boy / Jonah MaraisWhere stories live. Discover now