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Sabrina's POV
I woke up to the sound of banging. I looked around my room to see where the notice was coming from. The window. I looked outside, and there Jonah was, throwing rocks at my window, again. I went over to the window and opened it. "Jonah!" I yelled at my boyfriend. "You're gonna break my window!" "It's fine!" He yelled back. "The window is not going to shatter from a pebble." I rolled my eyes at him and closed the window. I went downstairs to let him in the house, then we both went up to my room to watch Netflix. He picked the scariest movie on there. "I'm not watching that!" I yelled. "I might pee my pants." "You'll be fine." He laughed. The movie started, and it wasn't that bad. Only creepy characters. Jump scares were what I was worried about. At the exact moment, something popped up on the screen and scared the shit out of me. "JESUS!" I yelled and buried my face into Jonah's arm. (Authors note: I was gonna put "Jeepers nuts" but that's Jack's thing😂)
He looked over at me and decided to shut it off because I looked absolutely terrified. "What do you want to do now?" He asked. "I think I'm gonna take a nap." I said. "But you just woke up!" He exclaimed. "Well, I'm tired again." I laughed. "Ok... see you later?" "Definitely." I nodded. Jonah left my house, and I crawled into bed. I quickly drifted off to sleep.

I woke up in an unknown place. I looked around for anything familiar. Then I realized that I was in a car. How did I get here? I thought. I quickly got out of the car, and realized that it was Jonah's car. As I was getting out of the car, Jonah walked out of his house. "Sabrina?" He said confused. "Why were you in my car?" "I don't know." I explained. "I woke up there." I told him the whole story and he seemed very confused. "I'm confused too. Let's go ask my mom if she knows how I got there." We walked to my house, and saw my mom in the kitchen. "Hi mom." I said. "Hi sweetie. What's up?" She asked.

"Do you know how I ended up in Jonah's car?"

"Jonah's car? Why were you in Jonah's car?"

"That's what we're trying to figure out. I took a nap earlier today, and I woke up in Jonah's car."

"Well I have no idea, sorry."

I shrugged and went up to my room, Jonah following me. "Do you want to go on the roof?" He asked. "Sure." I said. We climbed out my window, and up the roof. Our legs were dangling off the edge of the roof. "I'm still really confused how I ended up in your car." I said to Jonah. "I'm not." He blurted. "What?" I looked at him. "I put you in my car." He said blankly. "WHAT? WHY?" I said getting a little scared. "I don't know..." he looked at the grass, that was about 10 feet below us. "Sabrina, I have to tell you something." He said to me. "W-what?" I said, terrified for no specific reason. "I never liked you." His words hit me like a thousand punches in the stomach. "You... used me?" I managed to say. "Something like that." He said as a little smirk formed on his face. "Why are you smirking like that, Jonah. Your scaring me!" I panicked "Good." He muttered. Then, he grabbed my arm, and violently shoved me to the very edge of the roof. "Bye." He waved, and threw me off the edge. As I fell, the last thing I saw was him laughing.

Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. I'm pretty busy prepping for school, and I just got back from vacation. I'm planning on writing two more chapters, and then I'm going to start my new fan fic. I'll let you know at the end of this story what it will be called, and it will be about the Dolan Twins! If you want your name to be in the Dolan twin story, comment "(y/n)- DT" and I will include you in the story. I AM NO LONGER TAKING REQUESTS FOR THIS STORY! I hope you enjoy the rest of the story! Also, thanks for 7k reads!! I love you guys❤️

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