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Sabrina's POV
I can't believe I did it. I got Jonah's number. I just simply asked for it. I used to be very shy, and I still am. I'm very surprised at myself that I was confident enough to just ask for his number. But now that I think about it, I don't think Jonah likes me the way I like him. I think he just wants to be friends. Even though we just met, I can't picture him being more than a friend in the future. As much as I want him to be more, we will probably never have the same feelings for each other.

Jonah's POV
As I walk to second period, I can't stop thinking about Sabrina. What if she doesn't like me? I obviously want her to be more then just a friend, but she clearly doesn't feel the same way about me. She even said it herself, 'I really start to see a friendship forming'. For some reason, this made me mad. I don't know why, because I'm not mad often, but it made me mad to know that she didn't want to be more than friends. I know I'm over reacting a lot because I literally just met this girl today, but it was the quickest connection I've ever had before.

Sabrina's POV
"Lauren! I really need to go!" I tell Lauren as she keeps blabbering about things that I wasn't even listening to. School just ended and I really wanted to get home. "Ugh fine. Be like that." She says jokingly as we both start laughing. "Sorry!" I yell as I run to my car. I notice Jonah walking to his car as I'm about to open the car door. "Hi Jonah!" I yell, hoping he will hear me. Nothing. He probably just didn't hear me. He wouldn't be mean like that on purpose, right? I drive all the way home and notice that Jonah was already home. He was sitting on the front porch, on his balcony swing, gently swinging back and forth. "Hey Jonah," I try again. This time I knew he heard me, because he looked in my direction. But no hi, wave, or even smile came from him. What was up with him? This morning he was perfectly happy and now he is ignoring me? I give up and walk inside. I quickly rush up to my room and take out my phone to text Jonah.

Sabrina- What the hell Jonah why are your ignoring me?

Jonah- I'm not

Sabrina- bullshit I'm not dumb

Jonah- I need to go

Wow. Maybe Jonah is a jerk after all. I go downstairs to eat a snack, and as soon as I open the fridge, I hear a knock at the door. I quickly run to open it. "Hey." It was Jonah. "What do you want?" I ask annoyed at him for being so rude to me. "I just wanted to apologize for being a jerk to you earlier. Um...can I come in? I want to explain to you why I was so mean." "Uhh...yeah sure I guess." I say in complete shock about what just happened. We sit on the couch and he starts explaining everything to me. "Well," he starts, "um...how do I say this... I kinda...sorta...really...um-" "Jonah you could tell me." I say showing him that I was trustworthy. "Ok. I kinda...maybe...like you." He finally says, taking a deep breath after. WHAT?! DID JONAH JUST TELL ME HE LIKES ME? "Oh...um..." I say at a loss of words." "See," he starts again. "This is why I was being so rude to you. I knew you didn't like me back the same way, so I got a little angry." "But Jonah," I say. " you have it all wrong. I like you too."

Jonah's POV
Sabrina and I are sitting on the couch, and I am explaining to her why I was such a jerk. "I kinda...sorta...maybe...like you." I blurt out. Did I really just tell her that? That either could have been a good choice, or a huge mistake. "Oh...um..." is all Sabrina could answer. I knew it. It was a huge mistake. "See," I start to tell her. "This is why I was being so rude to you. I knew you didn't like me back the same way, so I got a little angry." I say, already regretting telling Sabrina my feelings. "But Jonah." Sabrina says, which gains my attention, hoping it will be something good. "You have it all wrong. I like you too." "Huh?" Is all I could say. "But you said it yourself that we could only be friends." "That's not what I said," she answers. "I said that I see a friendship forming. You do know, most relationships start with friendships, right?"

"Oh. I didn't even think of that."

"So, do you think we should be more than friends?"

"As much as I want to, I think it's a little early. After all, we just met today"

"Well Jonah, it sure doesn't seem like it. Your the first person that I've ever got along with this quickly."

We both laugh. It's good to know that Sabrina knows the way I feel about her, and that she feels the same way about me.

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