A Boy?

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"GIVE ME A SECOND!" I yelled from the bathroom. I was almost done curling my hair, but mom yelled at me every five seconds. Why couldn't she give me a break? I quickly finished up the last strand of hair, unplugged my curling iron, and scrambled down the stairs before mom could yell at me again. "Sabrina, what took you so long?" My little sister Riley asked as she walked toward the front door. "I wanted to curl my hair for the party tonight," I replied. We were going to my cousin Bennett's graduation party, and I really didn't want to go. Even though it was going to be long, boring, and pretty uneventful, I still wanted to look good. "Can I drive my own car, mom?" I asked my mom from the kitchen. I turned 18 a few months ago, and mom got me a car for my birthday. It's not a fancy, million dollar car, but all I've ever wanted to do since I've got it, was drive it. "Fine," mom replied, "but if I find out your doing anything with it other than driving, you won't get to use it." "MOM!" I screamed, knowing exactly what the word 'anything' meant in that sentence. I hopped in my car, and followed mom all the way to Bennett's house. When we got there, there was already more than 80 people there. "Hi!" Bennett yelled when e saw us walk in. "Hi?" I said back trying really hard to sound excited. "Long time no see, Sabrina. How ya doin?" He asked me while putting his arm around me. Bennett and I were really close when we were little, and we still are now. We were the only two out of all the cousins, close to the same age. Bennett is 17, and every other child in the family is under 10. It is boring to hang out with them, but Bennett and I get paid sometimes to watch them. I sat at the table outside and ate Doritos for most of the party, saying 'hi' to everyone that passed me. I finally gave up and went out the back gate. I texted mom so she wasn't worried:
Sabrina- "mom I'm going to go home bc I'm rlly tired and this party is getting a little boring"

Mom- "ok sweetie that's fine I'll see you when I get home"

When I got back to the house, I saw a giant black Suburban pull up to the house next door. I knew that the house was for sale, but I didn't know anyone bought it. I rushed up to my bedroom and peeked out my window. A man and a woman got out of the car and headed to the trunk of the car. "That's probably the parents" I said to myself. Then a boy, who looked about the same age as me, came out of the car. I squint as a try to get a better look at him. He has his ear buds in, and is wearing a black t-shirt. I try to make out the words on his shirt, but it is really hard to see them considering their smushed together in the corner, inside a square. 'Why Don't We' I read from his shirt after a little while of squinting. "Why Don't We?" I repeat to myself. "That sounds really familiar." I shrug my shoulders and put on my grey sweatpants along with my white tank top. I throw my hair in a messy bun, and go to bed.

I hope you guys liked my first chapter! This is my first fanfic so I want to make it really good. If you guys want a specific character in the story then make sure to leave a comment! Thanks

The New Boy / Jonah MaraisWhere stories live. Discover now