Chapter 15

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 "Amanda, what the HELL are you doing in here? We all thought you died!" Olivia screams at Amanda.  
 "I-" She begins to talk. 
 "We cried and grieved for you! There is no way in hell we can ever make up for you doing this." Fin says. He walks over and pulls Amanda up out of bed. "Put your shirt on, we are going down to the precinct." He continues. 
 "And you, Rafael Barba, are also coming with us down to the precinct." Olivia says, her voice cracking with emotion. 
  Amanda gets in the front seat with Fin, and they drive off towards Manhattan. 
 "Fin, please just listen to me." She tries to beg. 
 "Fine. Explain yourself." 
 "Sonny, he gets so mad when I tell him I still have feelings for Rafi! The only way I could get him to let go is if I faked my own death." 
 "So who was in the hospital room?" She swallows. 
 "I- I- Kim agreed." Fin stops the car. 
 "Agreed to what, Rollins?" 
 "Agreed to be knocked unconscious and put in my place so that Sonny would admit his feelings to what he thought was me. I really didn't want to marry him, Fin!"
 "How did Barba end up there too?" 
 "I tried to flee to Canada. But he called me and said Carisi gave him a date rape drug and dumped him in Buffalo. I bought a hotel room and we were happy together finally. He is the love of my life, Fin." Her voice breaks a little. "And I don't want him getting in trouble." 
 "Oh, he's getting in trouble."
 "Fin, please! We are partners-"
 "We used to be partners, Amanda! You're definitely not getting your job back after that." They pull up to the precinct and Amanda gets out of the car. Carisi sees her from the holding cell he is in. 
 "Sonny, don't talk to me right now. Seriously." 
 "Are you insane? You faked your own death! Why?" Barba walks in, and Carisi turns red with anger. 
 "I didn't want to marry you! I wanted to marry my true love, Rafael Barba." Sonny bites his lip. 
 "Rohypnol is too weak! I should have murdered him like I was about to murder myself earlier! Fuck you Amanda, and fuck you, Rafael Barba!" 
 "Carisi!" Benson screams at him. "Rafael, Amanda, follow me." 
 "Wait, one second." Carisi says. "Amanda, stay." Olivia nods and takes Rafael with her. "Come here." She takes a step towards him. "Closer." They are face to face, cold metal the only thing between them. "I loved you more than anything else in this whole world. And after you don't have Olivia to protect you from me anymore, you're going to be dead. You'll be in that hospital bed I was sitting by, and Rafael won't come and be with you. But I would have." He spits in her face. "You're going to be dead. I'll leave you on the side of the road. And you know what happens to pretty blonde girls in the state of New York? They get raped. That's what's going to happen to you soon, missy. I hate you. Get out of my face." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2017 ⏰

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