What Happened Next?

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  • Dedicated to ALL MY READERS!




Connor felt energy inside him bubbling, waiting to be released.

He let it.

Many bolts of Electricity bounded toward Charles, who hardly had time to deflect some blows, but not all.

Charles fell to his knees, and the fiery wind ceased.

Connor took a big gasp as clean air filled his lungs.


Charles was stunned.

That energy display was incredible. He had to give the guy props on that.

Charles got to his feet, when Connor pulled out his sword.


The sword that was given to him by the Elemaster himself, when the Elemaster brought HIM, CHARLES, to the Magic world for the first time. Maybe the old guy was crazy, giving a lethal weapon to a kid of such a young age, but then again, he had read about Percy Jackson and how they gave children of the gods weapons, despite their young age.

Charles never knew the Elemaster hadn't been seen in numerous years, decades even.

So why would he show himself to Charles?

During the time Charles spent with him as a kid, The Elemaster warned him of a great loss. A great Evil. And a time of confusion, as something new was coming. A new Heart. He Fortold a great hero, who would rise from Ashes and Sorrow, and Step up to take charge. This hero would receive something great, but Charles could not remember what the Elemaster had said.

He remembered when the Elemaster had bestowed him of the Magic Necklace he later gave to Havolynne. The Elemaster had said it held a special purpose, if he gave it to the Water Elemental of Purest. And so he did. Yet, Charles had never asked what that special purpose was.

Charles just stared at the Sword, memories piling into his head.

"Are you just going to sit there?" Connor questioned harshly.

Charles got up.

He looked at Havolynne. Poor Havolynne. She didn't deserve this. She didn't deserve his 'betrayal.' Her once bright blue Sapphire Necklace had a slight tinge of Red in it. Charles didn't want to know what happened if it became fully Red.

More and more memories flooded into his head.

Connor pressed his sword to Charles's throat.

"Coward," Connor spat.

Connor raised his sword, ready to give the final blow. His eyes showed no mercy, only a hatred for Charles's wrong doings.

And Charles wouldn't blame him.

Just as the sword was to swing down, Connor froze. But not purposefully. Charles froze him in place.

Charles stood back, watching Connor's eyes begin to fill with terror.

Charles took Connor's sword from his hands, and walked over to Havolynne. He bent down on one knee and... 

...stroked her cheek gently. He drew the mild poison out of her wound, letting it run in Charles's own blood, rather than hers.

Connor watched in awe.

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