Chapter 6

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Havolynne was surprised the next day to find Nick and Riley act so... Casual after all that happened the other day.

They acted no different.

Havolynne decided to investigate further and channeled their emotions. Riley wanted to go back, and Nick seemed less tense than he was yesterday.

Good signs.

Although Havolynne had wondered how they would take it all after they came back into the Physical World, they seemed to have handled it fine.

Though Havolynne was still worried that there would be issues now that she knew she had another Elemental to watch, and now a mortal has seen the Magic World. Havolynne hadn't known of such a thing.

Would there be consequences in bringing a mortal to and from the Magic World?

But then she also wondered, how did Charles know SHE was an Elemental, how their whole group were Elementals...

She wished Charles was here.

The day went by without any change in the boys' behaviour, though when it was time for lunch again, she felt their alertness rise.

This new perk of being a Heart of Pure and tapping into peoples emotions was really starting to intrigue Havolynne.

Though, she too was alert. Very alert.

While the boys were playing their usual game of Basketball, Havolynne noticed Connor fiddling with his ring that was enchanted to turn into his sword, and saw Colin mess with his enchanted bracelets which turned to daggers. They were alert as well.

Havolynne starting to zone it out, focusing on the energies around her. She could feel Colin, Connor, Riley, and Nick's energies, which were bright. Colin's was brightest, and Havolynne assumed it was from his heart. Connor's was bright as well, whilst Riley and Nick had a tinge of dark in theirs. Not too much to be worried over, though it was still there. Next, she lightly felt the energies of those of everyone else. All of them had a dark tint to them, some more than others, though none were too dark...

That's when A powerful energy came.

Havolynne's eyes snapped open to see Connor and Colin face to face with another monster, who had Riley and Nick underneath its feet.

Havolynne cursed.

She KNEW she forgot something!

She forgot to give the newbies weapons!

Instantly, Havolynne put a protective field around the court again.

Another monster attack! Havolynne thought worriedly.

And again, it wasn't JUST a monster, no. A Draether had Riley and Nick in its clutches.

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