Chapter 2

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The boys continued their game, which Havolynne started watching more and more of it.

As Havolynne was about to settle and continue reading, the hairs on her back stood up, and a spike of power arose. She felt the presence of another Magic, but not Elementals. Before she could act, the feeling resided, meaning whoever--or whatever-- it was, had left.

Havolynne glanced back at the game, and was relieved to find them undisturbed. The twins hadn't noticed.

She decided to abandon her book, which was a hard choice, for who couldn't resist the urge of turning the page? Havolynne sat quietly watching the multiple passes, shots, and epic misses. She had laughed when Riley had gotten hit in the face by Colin's straying hand, and when Connor had tripped over thin air.

Finally, the bell rang and they headed for class. Riley and Nick had left, while Colin and Connor accompanied Havolynne to their English II Honours class.

"You okay Havolynne? You seem... preoccupied," Colin asked.

"I'm fine," Havolynne said emotionlessly.

"Ha, no you're not," Colin pulled Havolynne back. "What happened?"

Havolynne looked at him in the eye.

"Keep your weapons with you at all times," she said flatly and walked ahead.


So, my dear reader, you may be wondering, How can Colin keep his weapons with him? They are daggers! Well, this is what happened...

After Colin and Connor coaxed Havolynne back into the Magic World and they resumed their training, Colin and Connor had been Circle 5. One of the Runes was, 'Name Enchantment.'  So what had Colin done? Tried to enchant his daggers. Both daggers were sheathed, and so when Colin enchanted them, the daggers and sheaths turned into two leather bracelets, with a hard knot in the center. Colin, while amazed, slipped on the bracelets. When he touched the knot, they shifted back to Daggers, and then, when willed, back into the bracelets.


Colin noticed the underlined tone in Havolynne's voice.

He decided not to take any chances.

Colin shuffled through his backpack and found his two bracelets, and strapped them on. Usually he didn't wear them to school, for fear he might accidently touch the knot and make them shift. which would be bad. Although Havolynne said she could conceal them from others' view if it did happen, Colin didn't want to risk it. He left them usually in his backpack for when they crossed into the Magic World later, afterschool. Yet, when Colin put the bracelets on, instantly, Colin relaxed. Maybe I should wear these more often, Colin thought.

That's what Havolynne just said yes, Connor's voice filled his head.

Ever heard of twin-telethapy? Ya, it's real. Connor had been reading scrolls and books he found in Havolynne's Tree House and came across one that bonded the minds of kin, so that family could talk to one another. After rehearsing the Spell, Connor used a tad of Magic, and Viola! Connor and Colin could share thoughts without speaking outloud.

They decided not to question Havolynne further and nearly fell asleep reading books in English Class...


The trio waited until the students filed out of the school before they dared go near the Maple Tree. When everyone nearby was gone, Havolynne opened the portal.

Once they stepped through, they were deposited in Havolynne's tree house, for the portal led to wherever you desired.

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