Chapter 12

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They kept running, and didn't stop. 

It had been a few hours since they were seperated, and Colin did everything in his power to focus on one task: getting to the Land of the Fae like Havolynne urged. 

"Colin, can we slow down a bit?" Riley asked. 

"NO!" Colin yelled. 

He had to get to the Land of the Fae. He had to get all three of them there. They were searching for him. And Havolynne.  

Why were they searching for him and Havolynne? 

Because they were Hearts of Magic. 

What were Hearts of Magic? 

Special Elementals with extra powers, basically. 

Who else had a Heart of Magic? 


Where is Charles? 

Six feet under a pile of Blackberries. 

Why Blackberries? 

They just so happened to be everywhere. 

Every... where

In the Magic World. 

A world of Magic for all Elementals... 

How was it found? 

No one knows. 

Why was it found?

Again, no one knows... 

Except Charles... 

But where is Charles?

Dead. Along with his secrets.

Colin's mind was working overtime. So many questions kept drilling through his head, and he tried answering them himself, since really, Havolynne, his walking and talking dictionary, wasn't with him at the moment. 

He paused. 

This was the first time since they've been in the Magic World that Colin wasn't with Havolynne... or his brother. 

It was the first time being alone. 

Colin kept running. Running made his lungs burn. It made his mind freeze. It kept him focused. It kept his thoughts confused. 

So contradictory. 

Erion was keeping pace with them, fully recovered by now, and was flying. Colin figured that if trouble was near, the Draetherwould be the first to know. 

Once again, he was thankful for Havolynne. 


The name brought a faint smile to his lips. 

Her power had been growing, even when she hadn't noticed. But Colin noticed. To him, it seemed as if her abilities were expanding. Her ability to almost read the minds of the Creatures of Magic, like the Glaerian and Draether... How she could see visions, and let other see them too. How she could tell the emotions of someone... It was remarkable. She was like a psychic. He could see how she could be a fatal enemy, really. Having someone, a Heart of Magic rather, be able to expose your innermost thoughts and feelings, memories and intentions... No wonder she was being hunted now. 

Pang settled in Colin's chest. 

She was being hunted, and he was simply running away. 

This always seemed to anger Colin. 

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