Chapter 3

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"You are going to be late Havolynne!" Havolynne's grandmother called out the next morning.

Havolynne's bed hair was in the process of being tamed when her grandmother commented, "You are just like your mother."

Havolynne froze.

"Do bad I don't know her," she snapped and walked to her room. Not that she meant to be so harsh, because well, her mom was her Grandmother's daughter... but there was a family rumour that her Grandmother was the cause of Havolynne's mother's disappearance. Her grandmother denied it, the one time Havolynne was fed up and asked, but she knew there was something that wasn't told.

But she didn't know. Nor will she.

Putting her thoughts aside, she managed to tame her hair and got ready for the new day. She clutched on her necklace, dreading the thought that she'd have to use it again, possibly at school.

Soon enough she was ready and went to school to meet up with the boys.




"We are playing another game at lunch right?" Nick asked.

"Yup, and me and Connor will beat you guys AGAIN!" Colin taunted.

"Ya right!" Riley spoke.

"Well we'll see at lunch won't we?" Connor grinned.

Havolynne smiled, though a feeling in her gut said it would be a bad idea. What if the source to that power reveals itself?

Havolynne would just have to be on high alert.

 "What are you worried about?" Colin asked Havolynne quietly.

"Its probably nothing," Havolynne said.

"She's worried you're gonna get your as--"

"HEY!" Havolynne interrupted cutting of the foul word.

"... Your BUTT kicked cause we are gonna win!" Riley finished.

"Is that so?" Colin said. Havolynne knew Colin knew that wasn't it, but she was thankful for the distraction anyway.

So for all the classes they had before lunch, Colin, Connor, Nick, and Riley talked about the game, and argued over who was the best.

So competitive, Havolynne thought and laughed a little.

Colin was stating how he would win because he was a "Sexy Beast" as he put it, as the bell rang, signaling lunch time.

After waiting in line for their food, the group headed up to the upper basketball courts.

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