Chapter 4

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Flame POV

Why did I say all of that? I didn't want to be that mean. I guess I'm just stress from the vampire king getting too close. If he finds out who I really am, I might get the punishment I should have gotten 4 years ago. But what I said was true though.

I ran my hand through my hair and continue going to college in my car. I slam my car door close and stomp my way to class.

The teacher in the hallway tried to stop me but I look into his eyes making him freeze.

I went into my classroom and sat at my desk. The teacher and everyone pause then went back to what they were doing. I took out my notebook and took notes. I saw someone sneaking a peak at my notes making me roll my eyes. I push my notebook closer to Jonghyun so he can copy.

"So did anything happen?"

"What ya mean?"

I stop writing and turn to him.

"Well you took longer to get back to school when it's five minutes away by car for you."

I sigh and shook my head.

"It's nothing but the vampire King is getting closer to knowing about me."

He stop writing and look at me.

"What are you gonna do? If he finds out you're half vampire half werewolf-"

"He won't if that idiot at home won't spill any hints or says anything."

Class ended and I drove home. I went to my closet and slid down to the secret room. I saw he was still here and Eunha. As for him, he was sitting at his computer ignoring them.

I walk over to him and press buttons that created a soundproof clear glass around us but still giving us access to the computer. Which is a big computer that is more than 10 feet long while the screens are more than the 72" tv.

"Why is he still here?"

"I tried. He won't leave. You do realize I will get in trouble if he finds out who I am right."

I glare at him then smack his head.

"No we both will get in trouble Bacon."

"Hey it's Baekhyun. And right now he can't tell I'm a shapeshifter. Besides you took our files from the computer system and their drawers. Making us unknown."

I roll my eyes and smack him in the head again.

Baekhyun is a shapeshifter/werewolf. He can also change his scent when he shape shifts into a different species. But right now he is in a group call Exo who works alongside the vampire royals which is BTS so he doesn't do it as much anymore. He is keeping his identity a secret like me because Exo and BTS don't actually know Baekhyun's name since he never told them, just that he is a werewolf. Only Shinee knows about us. Even though, he can shapeshift he stays in his original form around EXO but hiding the shapeshifter part and scent.

Every supernatural has their own ruler who has every files on everyone even other supernaturals. Since it's easier to find out who they are if another supernatural goes somewhere they aren't suppose to. For example a shapeshifter going into the fairies, they would know who they are and send them back. Even if they were in the human world they would still have their files since they would have to go back. As for us, I took ours from every ruler because if the shapeshifter and the original vampire King or any other ruler knew we were in the human world. We would be dead for something we didn't do.

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