Part One

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Kurapika gazed into the water at his reflection, sighing and waiting for another suitor to enter the garden. The fountain soothed him, but the once peaceful garden had been ruined by the countless Alphas going in and out. The previous suitor, an arrogant man with neatly groomed hair, had just left with a broken nose and busted lip for getting too close to Kurapika. The Omega now despised the garden, for the wonderful memories of his mother had been replaced with groping hands and smug smiles.
He looked up as he heard a new set of footsteps approach. The man was pale and dark haired, his tall frame clad in a dark suit. His eyes were dark as well, Kurapika noted. Even the mood surrounding him was dark and gloomy.
Kurapika looked up to meet the man's eyes. "Are you another Adonis here to woo me?"
The man smiled a small, bitter smile, taking note of Kurapika's sarcastic tone. "I am Chrollo, and I am not here to woo you. I am here against my will, as it is my uncle's wish for me to be married and produce an heir. May I sit?"
Kurapika glared at Chrollo's hand, which was gesturing to the spot beside him on the stone bench. "You may not."
Chrollo simply nodded. "I see. You are here against your will as well?"
Kurapika looked back into the waters of the fountain. "Yes. My father wants me to find an Alpha, to 'make me happy'."
"Hm. I came here today to feign an interest in being married, and yet..." Chrollo paused, looking down at Kurapika. The Omega raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "I find myself in quite the predicament. I wonder, if I made you an offer would you accept? Or would I leave looking like the poor men before me?"
"It depends." Kurapika said slowly, curling his hands into fists. "What is the offer?"
Chrollo smiled again. "Our situations are much the same, neither of us wanting to bother with relationships. I would like to ask you to marry me, and in return I will allow you to keep the freedoms of an unmarried Omega. I don't expect sex, and we can sleep in separate rooms if you wish. All I want is for my uncle to stop harassing me."
"But you said he wanted you to have heirs." Kurapika said, clenching his fists in a preparation to swing.
The Alpha chuckled, his hands raised slightly in a calming gesture. "Yes, and I've already thought it through. We will say that we tried-" he took a quick step back to avoid being hit. "We won't really try, of course! We'll say that we tried, then I'll pay a doctor off to deem me infertile, that way they can't force another Omega on me."
Kurapika hummed in thought. Chrollo was of a wealthy background, which could benefit the Kurtas greatly; he also offered freedoms that all of his previous suitors would have taken away...
Kurapika nodded hesitantly. "It could work... But I will never love you, so don't be hurt if you develop feelings and I don't return them."
"I was about to say the same thing." Chrollo said, flashing a quick smile. "Shall we go and inform your father that you have chosen?"
Kurapika nodded, standing and leading the Alpha to his father, who was overjoyed that Kurapika had finally made a decision. The entire time, Kurapika and Chrollo stood side by side, neither wanting nor attempting to touch the other.

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