Part Seven

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The Scarlet Eyes of the Kurta were a well kept secret. Only one outsider had ever uncovered the secret, and his lust for money had driven him to return to the estate; had driven him to murder.
A trail of bodies was left in his wake, the eyes removed from each one. The man was confronted by several members of the Kurta family all at once and he fled, taking with him the Scarlet Eyes that he had stolen. He never returned, but his presence never faded from the estate either.

Kurapika shivered, recalling the story his parents had told him as a child. They would always tell him that if he misbehaved that the man in the shadows would get him. He didn't know why he recalled such a thing upon awaking. That is, until he remembered the events of the previous night.
His eyes had gone red due to his flustered state, and Chrollo had seen them! His heart began to beat quickly. 'He has money... But would he be willing to kill me to get more?'
An arm circled his waist and he jumped at a voice next to his ear.
"Good morning Kurapika." Chrollo said softly, his blank eyes looking down at Kurapika from his propped up position. "Did you sleep well?"
"Um, yeah." Kurapika lied. Chrollo nodded and sat all the way up.
"I must ask you a question." Chrollo stated, looking to Kurapika for permission to continue.
Kurapika tensed, but nodded and sat up as well. "Alright."
"Good." Chrollo tilted his head curiously. "Your eyes turned red last night. I was wondering how you came to posses this trait, and why your eyes aren't always red?"
Kurapika bit his lip. Chrollo didn't know his whole family possessed this feature. He was unaware of the value of the Scarlet Eyes, as far as Kurapika knew. He seemed genuinely curious.
Kurapika decided to lie.
"I don't know how my eyes are able to turn red, but I know why. They turn red when I feel strong emotion."
Chrollo hummed in thought, then leaned closer to Kurapika. "Could you show me again?"
The Omega jumped up quickly, backing away. "N-no! I didn't want you to find out in the first place, and it's not like I can do it on command!"
Chrollo blinked at Kurapika's fast reaction. He nodded in understanding, then grinned over at Kurapika. "You may want to wear more than that, you know."
Kurapika looked down to see that he was only clothed in underwear, his face reddening instantly. "I- I'm getting in the shower!"
"Don't forget your clothes this time." The Alpha reminded him, causing him to redden further.
"Sh-shut up!" Kurapika growled, grabbing his clothes and slamming the bathroom door behind him. The noise of the shower followed behind him.

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