Part Thirteen

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Kuroro grinned as he pushed the cart against a wall, careful not to injure his newest additions to his collection. Kurapika stared wordlessly at the eyes of his relatives, the combined glow of all of the Scarlet Eyes bathing the room in a blood red. There was a tense silence, broken by the sound of footsteps in the hallway.
"It appears that your screams have attracted guests." Kuroro grinned and moved towards Kurapika quickly. Chrollo growled and grabbed his uncle by the shoulders, trying to push him back. Kuroro began to push back, and it became a test of strength. Neither Alpha was distracted as the door burst open, revealing several servants and guards.
The new arrivals looked conflicted; to many, it looked like a fight over an Omega... Although, the more they observed, the more it began to look like something more. Shalnark ran to Kurapika's side and got on his knees beside him, ignoring the calls from his mate.
Kurapika was still in shock, his mind empty and full all at once. He couldn't grasp onto a single thought, and when he felt a hand on his shoulder he let out a shuddered gasp, his body shaking and straining from the effort of making even that simple noise. He felt someone petting the top of his head; heard muffled words through the roaring of blood in his ears. He opened his eyes, not remembering when he had closed them.
Shalnark was alarmed by the strangled whimpers and gasps coming from the other Omega. His comforting gestures seemed to be failing, and in a panic he called his lover over. "Uvo, I don't know what to do!"
Uvo rushed to his side, avoiding the struggling Alphas. He picked Kurapika up and covered his eyes. "The best thing to do right now is to get him out of here."
Shalnark nodded and cast a worried glance at his boss, fighting not to be pinned down. As they made to leave the room, a guard grabbed Shalnark's arm carefully. He looked back to see Feitan, a Beta guard.
"You're leaving." Feitan said quietly. "I... I will make sure he does not follow."
Shalnark smiled and turned to catch up with Uvo, who had disappeared down the hall. "Thank y-"
He gasped when he was turned around, the Beta lowering his face covering and kissing him briefly. When Feitan pulled back, he replaced his face covering, a look of pain in his eyes. "I know... That you chose Uvo. This is all I can do for you now. Thank you."
Shalnark nodded, an understanding passing between them as the Omega finally ran to catch up with his mate. Feitan turned to the Alphas on the far side of the room and sighed. He turned to the rest of the servants and guards in the room. "If you treasure your lives you will leave now. Do not follow Uvo or Shalnark or I will kill you."
The group nodded and ran out of the room, purposely going the opposite direction as the others. Feitan turned back to the Alphas. "Boss."
Both Alphas turned to him, then resumed fighting when they realized that the other was distracted. Feitan growled and threw a dagger at Kuroro, effectively distracting him when it embedded itself in the floor at his feet. Chrollo used the advantage to punch his uncle in the gut, sending him crashing into the priceless vase and its pedestal. He started toward his uncle, but Feitan darted in front of him.
"Feitan, get out of the way." Chrollo growled, trying to step around him. His uncle would recover soon, he knew.
"No." Feitan said calmly. He looked into Chrollo's eyes. "They took him somewhere safe. If you don't follow now, your uncle will."
Chrollo looked up to see his uncle was gone. He growled and took a step toward the door, only to be blocked by Feitan again. "Let me go after him!"
"If you fight him he will kill you." Feitan said, then stepped aside. "Go after Kurapika, and don't mind the rest."
Chrollo ran down the hall, following Uvo and Shalnark's scent, not giving a response. Feitan waited a moment, then ran in the opposite direction.

//704 words! Yay!
//how was this chapter? Where are Uvo and Shal taking Kurapika? Will Chrollo heed Feitan's warning? Why is Feitan running away from the path of danger?!
//feel free to theorize! I enjoy hearing y'all talk about this stuff! Until next time, stay tuned and stay safe!

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