Chapter 1

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I woke up with a jolt. My head hurt and my feet ached. My dream was so, well, weird. But it felt so real. I shivered, I felt like I was truly there. Running in the woods terrified. My scream echoed in my mind. I was prey and the predator caught me.

I lived in a small house with my mom and my brother, Axel. Axel is 2 years older than me. He is 17. My brother and I always had to be there for my mom. We grew closer after my dad died. My brother became an apprentice to a blacksmith. He also hunts for the family.

Since my brother was gone I had to help around the house. I had to clean, cook, and sew. I am not good at cooking, one time I tried to make pasta and it spilled all over the floor. Another time I cooked rice and tripped and it fell on my brothers face. The point is I can't cook. The only thing I can make is a sandwich. Even though I am not the best at cooking I am good at sewing. It's how I earn money. I sell blankets and quilts.

It was morning and my brother wasn't any where, he probably went to work already.
Suddenly my mom yelled " Sierra are you up, I need you to go to the market!" I almost forgot. "Yes, I'm almost ready " I yelled even though I haven't even changed. I quickly brushed my teeth and changed. I just had to brush my hair.

My hair is brown and like usual a mess. I hate doing anything with my hair but today I have to look presentable. I was brushing my hair when I felt a knot.

I kept brushing it. Until I realized something was stuck in my hair. I finally got it out in my hands we're twigs and leaves. How in the world did I get a bunch of leaves in my hair. My mom yelled my name again and told me to hurry up.

I grabbed my bag which had my sewing needles, scissors, and my wallet. I quickly grabbed my bag and my blankets. I ran outside but I tripped, my ankle was throbbing. I got a bunch of leaves in my hair again. I looked at my ankle and It was covered in dirt. No..not dirt maybe it's a bruise. I looked at it closer, it almost looked a circle.

The bruise or whatever it was was black and had other circles inside of it. It almost looked like I drew a moon on my ankle. Strange.

"Sierra, what are you doing on the floor" my mom said. I quickly got up "Sorry, I tripped anyways I better hurry bye" I had to get there early or else no one would be there.

She waved bye to me. I gave her a hug and headed to the market.

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