Chapter 8

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"Here sit up and take these ma. I made breakfast if you feel up to eating something." I said walking into our bedroom. Keyah woke up feeling a little under the weather this morning. I figured she would be next, 'cause I was sick with a cold three days ago.

"Thank you baby. I need to try to eat something, 'cause I threw up everything that was on my stomach from last night. Have you talked to the kids this morning?" She asked sitting up taking the cold tablets I brought her.

"Yeah, mama's flying out with them, their flight lands at 6:30 tomorrow evening. Jay in his feelings this morning and your daughter said to tell you she loves you and to feel better." I said giving her the run down of my conversation with the kids.

"Why my baby in his feelings?" She asked getting out of bed walking into our bathroom.

"I think that him not hearing from his mama all this time is getting to him now. Its been a month now." I replied.

"Yeah, I don't understand that situation at all, its like she just forgot that she was a mom. I checked her Instagram and she hasn't posted nothing in a few days." Keyah said while brushing her teeth.

"Imma see if I can't see what's going on with her, I mean if she doesn't wanna be a mother anymore then that's fine. She just need to woman up and let me know that, I'll get him full time with no sweat, if you down with that." I said laying back on the bed.

"Now you know I love that lil boy and I would love to have him here with us full time." She said coming back out of the room.

"Just had to make sure. But aye you sure you feel up to going down to do these interviews with me today? I mean I can postpone it till you feel better." I questioned thinking about the interviews for a GM for my clubs I had set up for the day.

"No we need to go ahead and get that taken care of. We have a lot of things on our to - do list that we need to knock off. I feel a little better after I threw up earlier." She answered crawling up on the bed beside me.

"Well I guess we need to get a move on then, first interview is at 9. You still gotta eat and get dressed." I said pecking her lips then tried to get up off the bed, but she pulled me back down wrapping her arms around me.

"Wait a minute before you go, I wanted to talk to you really quick." She cooed laying her head on my chest.

"What's up lil baybeh? What's on your mind?" I curiously asked.

" We finished up our last session last week and I just wanted to check in with you. How do you think we're doing?" She asked while snuggling closer to me.

"I think we're doing really well still, we're using all the tools we learned in counseling, we're communicating a lot more and better. We're making great progress in my opinion. What do you think?" I asked pulling her on top of me.

"I feel the same way. Honestly I feel better now than I did when we got married the first time. My heart is at ease, my mind is clearer and I don't feel any stress. I feel good about us." She answered.

"I love this shit baybeh. I honestly feel the exact things that you're feeling. I'm glad, like really really glad we decided not to give up on each other." I admitted.

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