Chapter 10

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I sat impatiently waiting for Nova to get off the phone with our lawyer, after bitch one and two left I fell apart. The thought of strangers coming into our home posing threats in my family absolutely disgusted me.

I mean that could have went a whole other way than what's about to happen here in the very new future. We could have had a conversation and made arrangements for them to be in Justin's life,but now they'll be lucky to get a picture of him once a year.

Thats our son and its been that way since his birth, I never looked at him as a step son, he's always been apart of me just like Sophia.

In my mind I know that they dont want him for the reasons they said. They see dollar signs plain and simple.

I was getting hot all over again just thinking about it, thank god Nova finished his call.

"You okay ma? You're shaking again." Nova said walking up to me wrapping his arms around me.

"No I'm not okay, what did he say?" I asked removing his arms from around me.

"First of all I need you to calm down, we can't fall apart. No matter what we'll get through this together, okay?" I said trying to calm me down.

"I'm sorry Nova, I'm just so worried." I confessed.

"Well you can stop worrying, Vinny is on it and he assured me that there's nothing that they can do to take him away from us. I'm his biological father , we're more than capable to care for him, we have a safe and loving family surrounding him.

He said that the state of Florida doesn't have grand parents rights, and since this is where he was born and raised that if it ever even made it to court the judge would always rule in my favor.

He said that the best they could do was try and work something out with us to get some visitation time but I'm not even obligated to do that. And them.bringing up my past is neither here nore there, its the past and I haven't had any legal trouble sine I was a teen so thats not gone be an issue.

So ma relax, he's not going anywhere that we dont want him to go, okay?" Nova asked after running down the whole conversation to me.

"Thank god. I would die if he wasn't in our lives."

"I know that it would be hard, which brings me to the next part of our conversation. Vinny made a suggestion and to be honest I've been thinking about the same thing since we got the news that Monique passed." Nova said taking my hand and leading me over to the sofa to sit.

"Oh yeah? What's that?" I asked sitting down.

"I want you to adopt Justin and legally become his mother." Nova said.

"I would be happy to do that, like I've always said, even when you and I were going through our issues Justin is apart of me. On paper or not he's my son and he will always be."

"I love the way that you love my son, and I knew that you would say that. Vinny's drawing the papers up as we speak, we gotta go down to the county office and get proof of her death through a certificate, after we get that then its a done deal."

"Well we can do that in the morning then, okay?"

"Okay baby. You wanna go out and get some dinner? Your husband hungry."

"We definitely can do that, I could go for some Italian. You down with that?"

"Yes I am. Let's ride."

I was happy that this is all gonna be a dead situation. We were on our way out the door to dinner, when Nova opened up the front door them bitches were standing there about to knock.

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