Studying-George Weasley

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"George? George!" I practically shout at him while I wave my hand in front of him.
"Hm what? Sorry. Say that again."
"Ugh, are you even paying attention? What's the point of my tutoring you if you're not even going to pay attention?"
He stretches his arms behind his head and makes a loud grunting sound. Probably just trying to annoy me more.
"I was listening. Till you got boring. Then I started thinking about something else."
"Ugh see! You weren't paying attention!"
"It's because it was boring."
"George please, I'm giving up my own free time to help you study."
"That's very generous of you."
I face palm and sigh disappointedly.
"That's why I need you to pay attention! What are you thinking about that's more important than this anyways?" I as.
He turns towards me looking away from the ceiling and at me.
"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me."
"We're in a magic school I think I'll believe you."
"Oh but it's not the same type of magic as what you're thinking of."
"Try me."
"You know (y/n), we should be studying right now. Before it gets too late."
"Hey no! Don't avoid the subject!"
"What subject? You're the one who's not letting me study here."
"You're turning this around on me? You can't just do that."
"Looks like I just did." He said with a wink.  I just roll my eyes and go back to the book which we were studying out of.
  "Okay, it says here that if you are stranded on a secluded island and you have only three things with you here is what would be most helpful:..."

~George's pov~

   "Blah blah blah, knives, blah blah, blanket, blah, blah, blah."  Is all I hear her say. I know I asked her to help me study but it hard when it's well...her!
   "Do you understand that?" She asks catching me off guard.
"What me? Oh yes! Yes I understand completely! It makes so much sense. A baby could get that it's so easy." I say trying to save myself from this situation.
   "Okay..." she eyes me skeptically,"So what kind of spell do you use when you need to find a giant-" she stops and looks at me.
  "Why are you looking at me like that?"
Like what? I ask.
"That! Like that right there!" She says gesturing to my face.
"I'm just smiling. Is there anything wrong with that?"
"There's nothing wrong with you smiling. It's just, you're smiling suspiciously. And it's making me nervous."
He starts to spin on his chair laughing.
"Do I normally make you nervous?"
"Yes-i mean no. You just are making me uncomfortable- would you stop spinning on your chair?!"
"Sorry." He stops.
"Will you please just concentrate. And not on me but on the assignment?"
"But the assignment isn't nearly as interesting as you are..." he sighs.
"What now?" I ask.
"You heard me. I find you interesting."
"Very, very interesting."
I sit back farther in my chair as he gets closer to me in his chair.
"Woah there, why are you getting so close now..?"
"Am I still making you uncomfortable?"
"Yeah. Little bit."
He leans back I to his chair,"Then I'll stop."
When he does that I feel a little bit empty. I don't know why though.  But I can't really decide why that is.
"I don't really know..."
   He stands and closes the book.  Putting the book back into his bag and starts to walk away. He stops and turns around.
"Aren't you coming?"
I grab my stuff and put it in my own bag. I stand up quickly and bump my shin on the table.
   "Ahh! Ouch." I say rubbing it where it got hit.
"You alright?" He asks as I catch up to him.
"Yeah. Just a scratch.  If even that."
"Alright, let us go."
I don't know where we're going but I follow anyways.
    "Alrighty! We're here!" He exclaims.  I look around confused to why he is so excited.
"Um, the stairwell?"
"What about it?"
"I dunno, I just wanted to get outta the library."
"Then why did I come with you?" I ask.
"Because I wanted you to come with me."
I get a fluttering feeling in my stomach. No one knows how I get when I'm around him. But not even I know why I get this way.
"You did? Why?"
"Well, I think I like you. That's why."
"Wait, what?" I asked, taken aback.
He does an uncomfortable body shift then replies,"Do I need to spell it out for you?" He asks.
"No! It's just- how did you mean that?"
He led out a sigh and puts a finger under my chin and lifts my face.
"Like this," he says right before placing a small kiss on my forehead.
I stand there frozen in surprise. What just happened? And why? Mahdjwvagejzgejdhaehsj!!!!
I try to talk but no words will come out.
"Sorry, I didn't think I'd break you..." he breathes.
"No! It's fine. No it's just, you kissed my head."
"Yes I did."
"Okay yes, why?"
He places his hangs on my shoulders and looks into my eyes.
"It means I have feelings for you and I want to take you out."
I double take,"Out as in a date...?"
"Unless you don't want it to be."
"No no ! I do, I do. I just didn't know what to say, because-"
"Because you're nothing like me and that apparently is a weird pair?"
"Well, yeah-"
His hands slide down my arms and intertwine with mine.
"That's no bother to me." I smile at what he says.
"Me neither then."
He returns the smile right before leaning in causing his face to get closer to mine. Soon we are only about an inch apart, ready to close the gap between us when-
"Oh guys! Are you done studying now?" Fred asks as he enters the stairwell.
George and I pull away as fast as we can and stared at him.
"Oh yep! We're done now! I was just leaving!" I say.
"Oh okay. See you around." Fred laughs.
As I walk away I feel a bit disappointed to have had that be interrupted.
I open my book to read when a little slip of paper falls out. I pick it us to see what it says.
Tomorrow at 7:15 pm see you there?
-George W.
I smile as I put down the note. This is going to be truly interesting.

Weasley Twin x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now